Chapter 4

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As days turned into weeks, Matsu settled into his life in Ironhaven once again, but a shadow of concern loomed over him. He began feeling increasingly fatigued and weak, and the pain in his right arm from the injection site intensified. One evening, as he was video calling his sisters, Yumiko, Iyomei, and Khamenei, they noticed his pale complexion and asked with concern, "Matsu, are you feeling alright? You don't look well." Matsu forced a smile and replied, "I'm just a bit tired from taking care of Peony, that's all. Don't worry about me." But Yumiko wasn't convinced, and she insisted, "You should see a doctor, Matsu. It's better to be safe than sorry." Matsu knew he couldn't keep hiding the truth from them. "Alright, I'll go to the medical facility tomorrow," he promised.

The next day, Matsu visited the local medical facility in Ironhaven. After a thorough examination, his private doctor delivered the troubling news. "Matsu, it seems the infection from the injection in your arm has spread. We need to start treatment immediately." Fear gripped Matsu's heart as he asked, "Is it serious? Will I be okay" The doctor reassured him, "We caught it early, so the treatment should be effective. But you need to follow the prescribed regimen diligently."

With a heavy heart, Matsu returned home, the weight of the news resting heavily on his shoulders. The haunting voices echoed through his mind once more, their words piercing his thoughts. "Don't... proceed... with this..." they whispered, almost like a plea from a distant realm. He called his sisters again and told them about his condition. Their voices were filled with concern and love, promising to support him in any way they could. Yumiko spoke first, her voice shaky with emotion. "Matsu, we're all here for you. You're not alone in this." After sharing his condition with his sisters, Matsu closed his laptop, feeling a mixture of relief and uncertainty. Calie and Marie embraced him from behind, offering reassurance that things would work out.

The best friends stayed by Matsu's side, offering their support and comfort throughout the day. They took turns checking on him, making sure he had everything he needed. Despite the kind words and love they showered him with, Matsu couldn't shake the worry that lingered in his mind. As night fell, Matsu found himself lying in bed, feeling drained both physically and emotionally. His friends were there, sitting beside him, holding his hand  and his daughter assuring him that they would face whatever came their way together. The voices in his head subsided for the moment, and a sense of calm washed over him as his friends' presence provided a soothing balm to his troubled soul. Feeling the weight of exhaustion taking over, Matsu closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off to sleep, the worries and fears of the day temporarily set aside. In the warm embrace of his family, he found solace, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united as one.

Once again, Matsu found himself awakening to a blinding light in the realm of Limbo, where the Goddess of Death, Morana, awaited him. She was seated gracefully at a table, her presence both awe-inspiring and mysterious. "Matsu, my little firefly, it's good to see you," Morana said with a warm smile as Matsu's eyes adjusted to the brightness. He sat down across from her, still feeling a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "why am I here now?" he inquired, trying to make sense of his current situation. Morana's expression turned solemn as she leaned forward. "I came to offer you a choice, Matsu," she said softly. "You have faced many trials and tribulations, and you carry the burden of the Injection's effects. You can continue on your path in the mortal world, but the struggles you face will be difficult. Or, you can choose to cross over into the afterlife and leave behind the pain and suffering."

Matsu looked down, contemplating his options. He thought about his sisters, his daughter, and the life he had built in the mortal world. Yet, he also considered the weight of the Injection and the uncertainty of the path ahead. "I'm torn," Matsu admitted, his emotions raw. "I don't want to leave my family, but the pain and the voices... it's overwhelming." Morana placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Remember, this is not an easy decision," she said gently. "I can only guide you, but ultimately, the choice is yours." As Matsu pondered his decision, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. He realized that his time in Limbo had allowed him to gain perspective and find inner strength. "I've come this far," Matsu said resolutely, his eyes determined. "I can't give up now. I choose to continue in the mortal world, to face the challenges ahead, and to be with my family."

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