Chapter 14

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The days that followed Peony's passing were a blur of sorrow and overwhelming responsibility for Matsu. The weight of running Kagayaki Industries, combined with the emptiness left by Peony's absence, became almost unbearable. He tried his best to put on a brave face, to carry on as if everything was fine, but the facade was crumbling. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Matsu sat in his study turned office, surrounded by documents and reports. His exhaustion was palpable, and the weight on his shoulders felt suffocating. Calie and Marie had been taking turns checking on him, offering support and comfort whenever he needed it. But tonight was different. The grief that had been building within him, the anger he felt at the unfairness of it all, finally boiled over.

Calie entered the study quietly, her eyes filled with concern. "Matsu, you've been in here for hours," she said gently. "You need to take a break, even just for a little while." Matsu's fingers clenched into fists, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "I can't just take a break, Calie!" he snapped, his voice sharp and harsh. "I have responsibilities, things that need to be taken care of. I can't just shut everything out and pretend like everything is okay." Marie followed Calie into the room, her expression a mix of sympathy and understanding. "Matsu, we're not asking you to shut everything out," she said softly. "We know how hard this is for you. But you don't have to face it alone. We're here for you."

Matsu's eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and pain. "You don't understand!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling. "You both still have each other. Peony was my daughter. She was my responsibility, and I couldn't save her! I couldn't protect her!" Tears welled up in Calie's eyes as she moved closer to Matsu, her voice filled with compassion. "Matsu, we know you loved her. We all did. But you're not alone in this pain. We're grieving too, in our own way." Matsu's breathing was ragged, his chest heaving with emotion. "I just need some space," he said, his voice cracking. "Just leave me alone for once."

Marie's heart ached as she looked at Matsu, the man who had always been strong for them, now crumbling under the weight of his grief. She reached out to touch his arm gently. "We'll give you space, Matsu. But remember, you don't have to carry this burden alone. We're here for you whenever you're ready." With that, Calie and Marie left the study, their hearts heavy with the pain of seeing Matsu in such turmoil. As they closed the door behind them, they exchanged a worried glance, both knowing that Matsu's pain ran deep, and healing would take time. Inside the study, Matsu's anger ebbed away, leaving behind a hollow emptiness. He buried his face in his hands, his body shaking with sobs that he had been holding back for far too long. He felt the weight of his grief pressing down on him, suffocating him with its intensity.

As he wept, Matsu realized that pushing Calie and Marie away wasn't the answer. They were his pillars of strength, the ones who had stood by him through every challenge. And while their grief was their own, they shared a bond that no amount of pain could sever. Through his tears, Matsu whispered a broken apology to the two people he loved most in the world. He knew that he needed them, just as they needed him. And as he let himself grieve, he also allowed himself to lean on the support and love that Calie and Marie offered, slowly finding solace in their shared pain and the hope that, together, they could find a way to heal.

But the voices called to him, "you shouldn't have done that" one voice said in an angry tone. Matsu's head snapped up, his tear-filled eyes widening in surprise. The voices, the same spirits he had heard before, were now speaking to him again, more clearly than ever before. He wiped his tears and looked around the room, as if expecting to see the ethereal figures standing there."What... what do you mean?" Matsu whispered, his voice shaking. He had thought he was alone, and now the sudden reappearance of the voices added to his already overwhelming emotions."You pushed them away," another voice chimed in, its tone accusatory. "Your grief and anger drove a wedge between you and the ones who care about you the most."

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