Chapter 12

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As the days passed, the Kagayaki family continued to enjoy their time together, cherishing the moments of laughter and love that filled their lives. Matsu, Calie, and Marie grew even closer, their bond deepening as they spent more time together as a trio. Peony, always the bundle of joy, brought light and warmth to their hearts, her infectious giggles brightening even the darkest of days. But one evening, as they were all playing in the garden, a sudden wave of exhaustion overcame Peony. Her laughter faded, replaced by a look of fatigue and confusion. Matsu's heart clenched in concern as he rushed to her side."Peony, are you okay?" he asked gently, placing a hand on her forehead."I don't feel good, Papa," Peony whispered weakly. Matsu scooped her up in his arms and exchanged worried glances with Calie and Marie. They decided to take her to the hospital immediately, not wanting to take any chances. At the hospital, the doctor examined Peony thoroughly, running several tests to determine the cause of her symptoms. The wait felt like an eternity for Matsu, Calie, and Marie, each second passing by agonizingly slow.

Finally, the doctor returned with a solemn expression. "I'm afraid Peony has leukemia," he said gently. The words hit Matsu like a ton of bricks. Leukemia? It couldn't be true. Tears welled up in his eyes as he held Peony close, his heart aching with fear and sorrow. "What does that mean?" Marie asked, her voice trembling. "It's a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood," the doctor explained. "We will need to start treatment right away to give her the best chance of recovery." Matsu nodded, trying to stay strong for Peony. "Do everything you can to help her," he said, his voice choked with emotion. Over the next few weeks, Peony underwent various treatments, and the Kagayaki family rallied around her, providing love and support in every possible way. Matsu, Calie, and Marie took turns staying by her side at the hospital, determined to be there for her through every step of the journey. During one of their stays in the hospital, Peony looked up at Matsu with wide, innocent eyes. "Am I going to be okay, Daddy?" she asked softly. Matsu took her tiny hand in his, his eyes filled with love and determination. "Yes, Peony. You are strong and brave, and we will get through this together. I promise." The treatment was grueling, and Peony experienced days of fatigue and pain, but she never lost her spirit.

Her smiles and laughter became a beacon of hope for the family, a reminder of the strength they had within themselves. As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Peony's condition started to improve. The treatments were taking a toll, but she was fighting with all her might. Matsu, Calie, and Marie continued to stand by her, their love and support unwavering. Through it all, the Kagayaki family faced the challenges of Peony's illness with a newfound strength and unity. The tension and divisions in Ironhaven seemed insignificant in comparison to the bond they shared, and the love that filled their hearts. In the face of adversity, they became a formidable force, determined to overcome any obstacles that life threw their way. And as they stood together, they found solace in the knowledge that no matter what the future held, they would face it as one - a family united in love and resilience.

Matsu couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be a deeper reason behind Peony's leukemia. Fireflies were known for their resilience and immunity to many diseases, including cancer. As he researched more about the AIS Projects from documents he had, he found something that may help them. "Calie, Marie, I need to talk to you both," Matsu said, his voice filled with determination, as he called them to his study. "What is it, Matsu?" Marie asked, concern evident in her eyes.

"I've been researching Peony's condition, and I found something unsettling," Matsu began, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "It seems that from these documents I stole while escaping with peony might have something, but their incomplete." Matsu's said with determination in his eyes. "Do you have the rest of the papers!?" Calie asked with hope in her voice.  Matsu shook his head. "No I don't. But I have a feeling that the answers lie in the abandoned AIS Labs in the deep sea. I want to go there and find out the truth." "But it's dangerous," Calie said, her worry evident. "We can't risk losing you or Peony." Matsu took a deep breath. "I know it's risky, but I can't just sit back and do nothing. Peony deserves to know the truth about herself, and if there's a chance we can find a cure for her, I have to take it."

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