Kakashi's sick day

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"Y/n *sneeze* can you train Naruto for me *sneeze* today I have a horrible cold." Kakashi asked. "Sure! Exactly what do I teach him?" You asked. "Anything he wants to know."
"Hi Naruto. Kakashi is sick today so I'll be training you today." You announced happily. "Awww y/n-sensei is so kawaii." Naruto said aloud to himself. "Okay Naruto what's a justu you always wanted to learn from me." "You mean you're gonna teach me your Wind Style: Tornado Slash Justu." "Yup!" "Now go grab a leaf of that tree." "What's a stupid leaf have to do with an awesome justu?" "Just get the damn leaf." "Got it!" "Now blow on it." Naruto blew on the leaf. "No, not like that with your chakra." "How do blow on something with your chakra." "Uggh! Channel all your chakra into the form of wind and have it lightly push on the leaf." Y/n explained. Naruto for once in his life finally did what he was told. "I did it!" "Good,now while your chakra's in wind form make the wind spin into a tornado. After you do spin your body around the same way the tornado spins." "Y/n sensei I did it!" "That's not all there is to it. Cut that tree down while spinning." Slash! Naruto cut the tree down without even fluttering an eye. "You finally did it. Oh kakashi'll be so proud." You burst and hug naruto tightly. "Y/n sensei you can let me go now." Naruto reminded you. "Now I have to go buy medicine for Kakashi." You inform as you skip into the village. "Sakura! Do you know a herb that is used to treat the flu?" You asked sounding somewhat like a teacher asking her student a question. (Which you technically are.) "Ginger is a common herb that can treat the flu. I recommend making a herbal tea with it." Sakura responded gracefully. "Thanks." You then head to the herbal market and grab a bundle of fresh Ginger roots. When you get home you slice some Ginger roots and add them to boiling water with a couple cinnamon sticks. Boiling this lovely mix for at least 20 minutes. "Kakashi your tea is ready." You announced as you slipped into his room. "Awe Kakashi - kun is sleeping. It would be a shame to wake him up." Y/n thought to herself. She put the tea pot and pot on his night stand. As soon as she took the top off the tea pot kakashi's eyes opened instantly. "What's that sweet smell?" He asked sleepily. "Tea. Drink up." She said as she poured tea into the tea cup. "Thank you for taking care of all my errands today. Oh and by the did you bring the clothes to the cleaners?" At that moment y/n's eyes went wide. "SH!T!!!!"

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