Losing Lake

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You groaned loudly as your eyes opened slightly for the first time in 12 hours. "What the fuck is all that barking?" You asked no one in particular. "Arf, Arf, Arf,!" "Holy shit there's a dog in my house! Oh wait it's mine." You realized as you grabbed the puppy and headed to the kitchen. "KAKASHI! WHY ARE YOU NOT IN THE KITCHEN MAKING BREAKFAST FOR ME AND LEAF?" You yelled across your home. "Shut the hell up. It's 11:00am I ate breakfast already and god damn dog's name is not Leaf." He explained. "Kakashi how do you not know the name of your first born and only child?" You asked disgusted by his ignorance. "Y/n you literally named it Lake because you thought Leaf was too masculine." You thought for a while. "Oh no I'm a terrible parent! I don't deserve this adorable ray of sunshine in my life! Take it away from me, I'm a monster!" You sobbed. "Y/n it's really not that serious I forget his name all the time." "But you're a terrible person and I'm the personification of awesomeness. I can't just forget my child's name." "Go take a bath so you could bring it to the vet." Kakashi demanded breaking the conversation. You turned the faucet and ran the water half way. You grabbed your clothes and handed your child to Kakashi. You stuck your foot in the water to test it. "Aw, fuck I put the cold water in first." You frowned and added the hot water to your bath. "Dammit it's still cold! Fuck it Imma just go in." *Knock Knock* "Y/n who are you talking to?" Kakashi asked through the door. "Myself, duh." "Oh okay, well um, how about I get in there so you have some one to talk to." "Umm, aren't you supposed to be watching Lake?" "Whatever, bye." You rolled your eyes at your annoying husband as you finished up your bath. You got dressed in a mcr band shirt and jeans. (If you don't like mcr than oh well) "Kakashi-kun! Where's Lake?" "Uhhhh, somewhere in the living room I think." You sighed walking to the living room trying to find Lake. "He's not in here!" You screeched. "Aww don't worry. He'll turn up." Kakashi reassured you. "No he won't! I trusted you to watch him for me and you did the exact opposite. How can I ever trust you again?" You stormed to your room and left Kakashi alone in the living room. "I guess I've gotta find a dog now." He sighed as he exited your house. He was walking along the streets of the Leaf Village when he saw Naruto. "Naruto! I lost my wife's dog. Do you think you can help me find him?" Kakashi asked desperately. "Wow Kakashi Sensei, losing the puppy, that's a new low for you." Naruto laughed. "Help me find this dog or I'll make damn sure you never go on another mission until your 30." Kakashi demanded sternly. "R-right on it Kakashi Sensei." Naruto practically ran to find the puppy. "Naruto wait! How can you find the puppy if you don't know what it looks like?" "Good point Kakashi." He ran back. "Here it looks like this." Kakashi pulled a picture of you and the puppy out of his wallet. "Aww Kakashi you really do love that puppy don't ya?" Naruto asked. "Sh-shut up." Kakashi blushed. "You'll need some help Lake could be anywhere." "I'll get Sakura." He declared as he ran the opposite direction of Kakashi. Kakashi sighed. "I really fucked up this time." He dragged his feet along the dirt, hoping that Naruto would have some luck finding your beloved dog.
Le end...for now. Sorry I took 50 million years to update. I was busy with school n shit, but now school's over so imma be all up in wattpad.
Ps. I might make a part 2 for this.
Pps. Leave me request I might do it.
Pppsss. Byeeeeeee!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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