Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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"Hi y/n! W-would you like to go on a date this evening?"
"Sure Kakashi-kun! Um...do you know where we're going."
" I made a reservation for two at *Arona De Takazawa." (I read about it online look it up its super cool)
"Oh ok when should I be ready?"
"I'll pick you up at 8:00."
"Ok,bye bye!"
I have 3 hours to get ready.
"Sakura I've got an emergency bring in the glam squad."
"Yes sensei."
Ring, Ring, Ring!
It's the girls! "Come in please!"
Sakura,Ino,Tenten,Hinata,Lady Tsunade, and Temari all walked in and stood in a line. "We heard you had an emergency so we brung in Lady Tsunade." Sakura stated.
"Ok girls I have a very important dare tonight. So make me look hot!"
"We're on it!" The squad said in unison. They circled you like an angry mob of villagers.
"Ok ladies break it up! Sakura,Ino get on the make up! I need a smokey eye red lip combo! Tenten,Hinata I need big curls, Pronto! Temari and I will find an outfit and accessories." Tsunade commanded and they followed.
Once the glam squad finished it was 7:30. You walked out of the room with big sexy Marilyn Monroe curls and lips. Your dress was red and skintight and your shoes were red and shiny. The glam squad wished you luck on your date and left you in peace. You had 30 minutes to do whatever the hell you wanted. So you watched SpongeBob. Once the episode finished you heard the doorbell. You fixed yourself and swung the door open. "Good evening y/n. You look especially stunning tonight. Buy there's one thing your out fit is missing." Kakashi reached in his pocket a pulled out a box. Once he open the box it revealed a pair of diamond studded hoop earings. They kinda looked like the ones Lana Del Rey wears. "Kakashi-kun! I've always wanted a pair like that!! Thank you! Thank you!!" You bounced up and down clapping your hands in excitement. "Hahaha,you're welcome. Now get in the car,we're running late." "Okie-dokie!" Once you sat in the car you heard a slight familiar tune so you turned up the radio.
Money is the anthem to success
So before we go out what's your address
I'm your national anthem
God,your so handsome
Take me to the Hamptons, Buggati Veyron
He loves to romance them
Reckless abandon
Holding me for ransom, upper echelon
He say to be cool but, I don't know how yet
Wind in my hair,hand on the back of my neck
I said ,"Can we party later on?" He said, "Yes,yes,yes."..........
"Kakashi-kun, are we there yet?"
"Almost, just 15 minutes away baby."
"Oh okay.....Um Kakashi-kun......"
"Yeah sweet thing?"
"Do you think I look pretty in this outfit?"
"No,I think you look gorgeous."
"Yes really."
"C-can I ask you something else?"
"You've been so sweet to me lately. What's up with that?" Your tone changed from innocent and nervous to God knows what.
"Baby we're here. We'll talk about it during dinner."
You walked into the restaurant and did the normal restaurant stuff.
You looked around there were barley any seats. "Kakashi-kun, I don't know what to order. Got any suggestions?" You asked in the cutest voice you could manage. "Um...how about we just get sushi.'' He said with a nervous neck rub and blush. "Sure thing Kakashi!" The waiter came back and asked if you two were ready. Kakashi did most (all) of the food ordering. "Y/n, why don't you ever order your own food?'' He asked in a curious childlike tone. "Oh well it's just a habit I guess. Does it bother you?" You asked, your tone saddening. "No,no,no it worries me though." "Well I've always been a little insecure. I'll grow out of it though." "I guess I don't have you all figured out, huh?" "Hopefully you never will Kakashi-kun." You smirked a sad and mischievous grin at the white haired man. The waiter walked back to your tables. The sushi looked incredibly delicious,hopefully it'll taste the same way. "Kakashi you still haven't answered my question." "*sigh* I guess it's just ever since I thought you got kidnapped I realized that I should treat you like everyday is our last day together. Pretty dumb, huh?" Kakashi went back to eating to avoid eye contact. "I guess we're both hard to figure out.'' "You're telling me."
~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Kakashi, be honest, how much did all this shit cost you?"
"Too damn much baby. Too damn much."
You giggled as you walked into the car and slammed the door.
"I'm so fucking tired right now. *yawn*"
"Me too. *yawn*Do you think it's something in the food."
"They probably drugged us."
"Maybe they put Robitussin in the red wine."
"Maybe they steamed the vegetables with chloroform."
"Does that even make sense?"
"To me it does."
"Because you're weird."
"Your face is weird."
"That's not what you were saying last night."
"Shut up Kakashi-kun!"
"Ha ha."
"Are we home yet?"
"Of,course we're home....when were driving on the main road."
"Eat a dick."
"No thank you."
"Son of a-woah! Is that a hooker!"
"That's a mannequin,dumbass.''
"Oh, in my defense it had a wig on a was dressed like a hooker."
"Are we home now? *yawn*"
''Count to 12 and we'll be home."
"1,2,3,6,9,12. Are we home now?"
"*sigh* Sure."
"Then why are we still driving."
"Gee y/n I have no idea."
"Lies, don't wanna know! Don't wanna know!''
"Quite singing."
"We're home!" You opened your door ran into the house and stripped as you ran to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom you took all your makeup off and went straight to bed.
When Kakashi walked in he locked the door and picked up your trail of clothes stripped down and joined you in bed.
Hey guyz sorry I haven't updated anything since forever. I was thinking about starting an original series and/or a big hero six one shot collection. Let me know what you guyz want me to do in the comments. If you have any questions or other request leave them in the comments or dm me.

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