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He was eager again. He was too eager.

Once getting in the room. He threw his backpack, grabbed me, and pushed me onto the bed. He sat on my lap. Connecting our lips as he unbuttoned my shirt.

"Yeosang." I pulled away. He took his sweater and shirt off. Throwing them to the side. "You need to calm down a bit."

He wrapped his arms around my neck. Pulling me back into a kiss. I just let it happen. Putting my hands on his hips.

The feeling of one of his hands sliding down my chest. He put his hand on my belt. Undoing it with one hand. He pulled it out and threw it to the side.

"Off. Take it off." He stood up and started to take his own pants off.

I just did as he told me. Once he was done, I grabbed him and pushed him down onto the bed. Kissing down his neck. Playing with his nipple.

His body shook. Body temperature rising as I teased him. Hot under my fingertips.

His uncontrollable moaning.

"Seonghwa!" He pulled me down. Connecting our lips again.

I pushed my leg in between his. He was quick to start grinding on me. Pushing my leg higher.
Pulling away to kiss down his neck. He tilted his head back. Sliding my arms under his waist and pulling him closer. He arched his back for me.

I kissed down his chest and stomach. Stopping at the waistband. Kissing his v-line. I licked up his stomach to his chest. His body shook. He let out a moan.

He ran his fingers through my hair. Lightly tugging on it as he moans.

I played with his waistband as I began to bite his nipple. He moaned. I licked and sucked. I kept my eyes on him. I love seeing how he reacts.

He is so sensitive to the littlest things. It's amazing.

Sliding my hand down to his legs. Massaging the inside of his thighs. He tried to close his legs. But my leg wouldn't let him.

"Seonghwa." He moaned out.


"More. Touch me more."

I continued to tease him for a bit.

Hearing his whimpers, moans, and whines as I continued. Clearly avoiding a certain area so he doesn't cum so quickly.

Licking down his body again. I picked his leg up slightly. Kissing the inside of his thighs. I looked up and he stared at me as he bit his bottom lip.

He covered his face with the back of his hand.

His cheeks clearly red. His eyes were already full of lust.

Sliding my hand up his other thigh. I began to palm him as I continued to kiss his thigh.

He moaned. His body shaking from pleasure.

He had said something. I don't know what.

I stopped what I was doing. "What?"

He was about to speak but instead let out a squeak and covered his face. I sat up. Wrapping my arm around his waist and pulling him up.

"What was that?"

He uncovered his face. He had his head down and he would occasionally look up at me. He then shook his head. "Nothing. Nevermind."

"Tell me."

"No, it's ok. It was just something stupid."

Sliding my hand on his thigh. "Come on. Tell me. Remember this is a safe place."

He turned red. He fiddled with his nails. "I wanted to be a little more intimate today."

I stared at him.

"Im sorry! We don't have to if you..." "What did you mean by 'be more intimate'?"

"Oh. Well, you're always pleasuring me, it's not fair that you don't get anything. I just want you to be a little more intimate with me."

"You sure?" He nodded.

I pulled him higher on my lap. He moved his hips a bit. I pushed him down onto me. I bit my bottom lip. He let out a whimper. Holding his hip as he moved.

He wrapped his arms around my neck. Throwing his head back as he moaned.

He grinded on me.

"Like this?" He moaned.

My grip tightened on his hip. He let out a small whine. "Yeah." I groaned.

He smiled.

He was going too damn slow, but I had to be patient for him. I helped him move a bit faster.

"Seonghwa." His back arched. He didn't take his eyes off me.

I pulled him down into a kiss to distract myself from how painfully slow it was. Sticking my tongue in his mouth. Swirling our tongues together. Sucking on his tongue.

It helped. It really helped.

He pulled away to catch his breath as he moaned.

I groaned.

I switch our positions. Pushing him down onto the pillows. Getting in between his legs. I began to grind down on him.

He quickly threw his head back. I leaned down and rested my head right above his shoulder.

Going faster, I became rough.

I latched my teeth onto his shoulder.

He screamed. His body shook in my hands.

He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Seonghwa. That hurt."

I pulled off of him. Grabbing his jaw and connecting our lips again. Lightly biting his bottom lip. He opened his mouth. Sticking my tongue in again.

I continued to grind on him. He moaned. His legs began to shake. He squirmed around in my hold.

I dug my fingers into his hip. Keeping him still till I get to my high.

He dug his nails into my back. I didn't care.

I pulled away from the kiss. He chased after me. His tongue sticking out. Saliva connected us.

I felt it get closer. Groaning. Biting my bottom lip to keep from biting him.

"Seonghwa! I'm going to..." He screamed.

I went faster. Hissing in pain when he dug his nails deeper into my skin.

He continued to squirm around.

Hearing his moan as he came really brought me to my limit. My movements staggered. Slowing down to a full stop.

Breathing heavily, his eyes were half-lidded. I pulled him up. I gently ran my fingers over the bite mark that I left.

"Shit, sorry." He shook his head. His head fell back. He was knocked out.

Sighing I placed him back down. Going into my closet. Changing. Taking out a sweater for him. Going into the bathroom. Grabbing a rag, cleaning him up. Putting the sweater on him before taking his underwear off without looking.

Putting him in the blankets.

Desire - SeongSangWhere stories live. Discover now