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Glaring at my computer screen as I was finishing this goddamn stupid history essay.

"Seonghwa~" Yeosang called me.

"I need to finish this Yeosang. I'm almost done. Are you finished with your work?"

"I was done two hours ago. You've been working on homework for four hours." He wrapped his arms around my neck. He began to kiss the side of my neck.

Well, this is new.

He turned my head and kissed me. Slightly pushing me back as he pulled me away from my desk. He sat on my lap, not breaking away for a second.

My hands found their way to his hips.

Feeling him smile.

He pulled away. He made sure to keep my attention on him. He ran his finger up my chest to my neck. Keeping his finger under my chin.

"Oh come on. You're almost done. Take a break. Have some fun with me." He leaned down before I turned my head to the side.

"Yeosang. I need to finish this." His smile dropped. He got off of me and flopped onto my bed. "Yeosang... Don't pout. I always wait for you to do your work."

He turned over. A clear pout on his lips. "Yeah, but I don't take hours to finish."

I sighed. I patted my lap. "Fine. Come here."

He smiled. Getting up and waddling over. He sat on my lap. I pulled myself back towards my desk. He got comfortable. He leaned back into my hold as he rested his head on my shoulder. I went back to focusing on my work.

Typing away as quickly as I can. He grabbed one of my hands and wrapped it around his waist. Seeing his smile in the reflection of my window.

Typing as quickly as I could with one hand.

After a couple of minutes, he started to move around. He started to get fussy.

I stopped typing. He got up and closed the curtains. He looked down at me before he took his shirt off. Throwing it to the side. He started to take mine off.


He shushed me.

Taking his pants off. He kneeled down and took mine off. I really don't want to upset him.

He sat back down on my lap and smiled. Wrapping his arms around my neck. He readjusted himself a bit. "You can continue doing your work." He said.

I shrugged it off. Looking over his shoulder to continue my essay.

He let out a moan as he started to grind on my leg.

I let him be.

I'm almost done.

Constantly getting a bit distracted by his moans.

I just need the conclusion paragraph now. I quickly typed.

After finally coming back to my senses. I looked over what I had typed. It was complete fucken gibberish. Biting my bottom lip. I let out an annoyed groan.

"You know what. Fuck this."


I picked Yeosang up. Getting up and going to my bed. Putting him down and getting in between his legs. He had a nervous smile now.

"What's going to happen today?"

"Can we try being fully naked?"

I nodded. "You sure?"


I placed my finger under his waistband. He tensed up.

"We don't have to."

"I want to. I'm just nervous."

I nodded. Pulling his underwear off. He quickly closed his legs. Bringing his legs up to cover himself. I placed my hands on his knees. He nervously shook his head.

"Then why did you want to take them off?"

"I thought I was ready. But I guess not."

I nodded. "That's ok."

I got up. Going into my closet and taking out a sweater for him. Giving it to him. I turned around.

"There." I turned around but his underwear was still on the floor. I raised my eyebrow. "I just want to see if I'm at least comfortable like this."


"So what do you want to do now?"

"Can you..." His face turned red. He covered his face. He rubbed his legs together. He moved his hips from side to side.

I clearly got the idea.

"You sure about this one?"


I nodded. Going over to my nightstand I took out the bottle of lube. He crawled over to my pillows. Laying down on them. He got comfortable.

I sat in front of him.

"I need you to think and answer me again. Are you sure? We don't have to do this today."

"I'm sure. Yes. Positive. Please?"

I placed my hand on his knees again. Spreading his legs open. Placing myself in between them. He pulled his sweater down a bit. His legs shook.

I slid my hand from his knee to his thigh. "It's ok. You're fine. I won't hurt you."

He nodded.

I opened the bottle. Putting some on my fingers. Throwing the bottle back onto the nightstand. Reaching my hand down. I hovered over him a little.

Pushing my finger in. He squirmed a bit.

"It feels weird."

"It's ok. It's going to feel weird at first." I rubbed his leg again.

He nodded.

Pulling out and pushing back in.

He made uncomfortable facial expressions.

I added a second finger. He let out a whine. I stretched him out a bit. He began to move his legs around.

"Calm down. It's ok."

I stuck my fingers in him a bit deeper. He let out a whimper.

I motioned my fingers. I began to slightly aggressively finger him.

"Seonghwa." He let out a breathy moan.

I continued. I kept my eyes on him. He squirmed around as he moaned. Throwing his head back. Arching his back. He grabbed onto one of the pillows. Reaching his other hand out to me. I laced my fingers with his.

His legs began to shake.


His hips thrusted up.

I bit my bottom lip. I'm so fucken close, I have to keep myself calm for him.

Curling my fingers, he screamed.

He dug his nails into my hand.

I continued.

Shaking his head as he moaned or screamed.


I like seeing him like this. I like hearing him. Moaning my name. I like it a lot.

"I'm going to..." His screamed. His movements stuttered as he squirmed around trying to catch his breath.

I pulled my fingers out. Going to the bathroom. Washing my hands and getting a rag for him. Coming out to see his eyes half-lidded.

He smiled at me. I think he liked it a lot I guess.

I sat next to him. Handing him the rag. His face turned red. I turned around again so he can clean up. "Need another sweater?"


I stood up and grabbed another one for him. Coming back and handing it to him.

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