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Yeosang got into the new sweater.

Going back to my desk. Finishing up my essay.

Sighing when I hear a whine from Yeosang.

I turned around. He got off the bed, waddled over, and sat on my lap. "Yeosang. Please. I need to finish this."

He just smiled as he rested his head on my shoulder.

Going back to my work with him just resting. I was able to quickly get it done. Turning it in, I sighed in relief that I turned it in on time.

He turned around and wrapped his legs around my torso. Wrapping his arms around my neck.

"What's up?"

He just smiled at me.

I just smiled back.

Picking him up and going to my bed. Setting him down. Going over to turn my lights off. Coming back over and turning my lamp on. He pulled me onto the bed.

He pushed me onto my back. He laid on top of me. Quickly falling asleep.

I patted his head as he cuddled up to me even more.

Just laying there as I stared at the ceiling.

Desire - SeongSangWhere stories live. Discover now