A Well Kept Secret (Ilia Amitola)

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The White Fang still exist in this one-shot, but Adam was killed by a few armed humans who had enough of his shit lol


You and Ilia have been in a long distance relationship for 6 months, you both met each other on one of your patrols after saving a village in Mistral from Grimm alongside other Huntsmen and Huntresses. After getting to know Ilia, you had every intention to come with her back to her home -- Which just so happened to be Menagerie where humans aren't so smiled upon. So, you say "fuck it" and decide to meet up with her anyway. Nothing's going to keep you from Ilia in the first place.

After sneaking your way onto Menagerie and going through many hardships to get there by boat and sneaking past the crowds of people like an assassin, it was all worth it. Through it all, you're forever thankful for hoods. After going down an alley, Ilia drops down next to you in a crouching position. She puts a finger to her lips, before taking off her mask.

Ilia: "We should be fine, Y/N. No one is around to bother us..."

Ilia sighs and leans against the wall, crossing her arms, and giving you a smirk.

Ilia: "Since you're a human from the mainland, we don't get to meet like this often, so let's try to make the most out of it."

Y/N: "Ilia? After everything I went through to get here, are you sure being out here with a human guy like me is okay on Menagerie? I mean-"

She laughs then shakes her head.

Ilia: "Are you serious? Of course it's not okay... that's why we're here. In this alley."

Y/N: "It's forbidden as hell, we both know that."

Ilia looks around for a moment, before leaning in closer, pulling down your hood.

Ilia: "Look at it this way, we both know I enjoy it more when it's forbidden."

She says, before pulling you into a passionate kiss. You kiss Ilia back, your hands touching her. Ilia holds on to you, before her grip on you starts tightening. And she bites down on your shoulder... hard. Ilia chuckles at the surprised look on your face.

Ilia: "Don't worry, you can bite me back, if you want...~"

Taking the chance, you gently bite Ilia in the neck as softly as you can leaving teeth marks. Ilia whimpers a little, and a soft moan escapes from her lips. She wraps her arms around you and pulls your body close to her. You then follow up by retracting your teeth, sucking on her neck. Ilia's eyes roll to the back of her head as a deep moan escapes from her lips, as one hand holds onto your head, the other one rests on your back.

Y/N: "Guess having a human guy make you moan wasn't on your bingo list."

Ilia laughs and smirks.

Ilia: "Guess not... But it felt so good to let loose once in a while. Especially with a human guy like you..." She says, biting her lip.

You grin, softly stroking her scales in a way that makes her light up.

Y/N: "And then there's you, Ilia. You're so... damn, adorable."

Ilia tilts her head up to look at you. She smiles at your compliment, before leaning in and kissing you again.

Ilia: "I... I've always wanted to be called that... thank you."

Y/N: "Oh? No faunus man didn't meet your requirements for romance? Shocker."

Ilia giggles.

Ilia: "Oh, I've had my fair share with Faunus boys and girls alike... But there's something about you that's different, Y/N."

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