The Loving Bee (Cammy 🍋)

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5 Months. 5 months have passed by since I've been situated at a M13 station. But, the biggest plus was that I were in the same space as Cammy White herself. I've been putting it off for weeks, but I figured I might as well tell her how I feel before either she gets transferred, or I do. Fuck it. What's the worst that can happen. Making my way to her barracks, I knock on the door twice. Cammy's voice is heard behind the door. Her British accent being music to my ears as always.

Cammy: Come in!

I open the door, walking in and closing it behind you.

Cammy: What do you need, Y/N?

Y/N: Nothing much, ma'am.

I trail off, staring at her figure. Those fucking green marks on her thunder thighs and that bakery she walks around with is just amazing. But, Cammy looks at me and notices me staring at her figure. She gets close to me a bit.

Cammy: Are you staring at something?

Y/N: (I quickly clear my throat, looking away) What? No no no no... not at all.

Cammy looks at me as if she doesn't believe me.

Cammy: Are you sure? I'm not going to be angry if you were.

Feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders, I look at Cammy, keeping my cool.

Y/N: Well, since you put it like that... yeah. I was looking at your figure, ma'am. I know intimate ties between soldiers is forbidden, but, you're the most attractive woman I've seen in service.

Cammy blushes a bit as she hear this.

Cammy: You think so? I'm flattered, that's a nice compliment. I've never heard any say that to me before! Do you want to come closer?

I inhale and exhale, taking her firm hand. Once hold her hand, she pull you closer to me where we're currently are face to face with each other. Holy shit! Holy fucking shit, this is happening, this is really happening. okay, keep your cool, Y/N. Don't fuck it up!

Cammy: Do you like it so far?

Y/N: I do. Cammy, ever since I saw you training me and other recruits at basic training, I... I guess it was admiration at first sight.

Cammy: Really? That's nice to know I make such an impression on you. It makes me happy. So, you like me that much, huh?

Y/N: Yes. I do.

Taking the risk, I hook my arms around her hips. Upon hooking my arms around her hips, I swear it felt like I died and went to heaven. But no, this is reality. Thankfully, it's reality. And not a dream.

Cammy: Woah! You're very forward aren't you? I like that.

Y/N: I can be all sorts of things, ma'am.

I grin, chuckling. Cammy giggles a bit as she move her hand to my cheek. I then lean in, kissing her cheek, but Cammy looks unimpressed, she wants more than a cheek kiss.

Cammy: Come on now, I know you can do better than that. Did you know that these lips haven't been kissed before?

Y/N: Oh, really? Well in that case-

I go for it, kissing Cammy. Feeling her plump lips against mine. When I kiss her, she blushes and kisses me back.

Cammy: You're not bad are you, Y/N?

Y/N: Not at all, Cammy. Not at all.

Cammy smiles as we continue to kiss each other. Our lips locking together for a long while. It feels so amazing to her as it does to me.

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