In Need (Deborah Grayson🍋)

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Come on, Debbie's another member of the MILF Committee. You knew this was going to happen since I feel as much sympathy for Debbie as I do for Eve. Besides, I already did Willow Schnee and Tera Renard long ago. Enjoy, my guys. And keep those eyes wide open in 2 days. I'm as ready for Invincible to come back as you guys are.


It's been 3 weeks since Chicago happened. Many lives were ended. Not by a normal man, but by Nolan Grayson, the former husband of Debbie. For the longest, she's been going through it in the worst ways yet. After Nolan went to look for his family after he was found out for killing The Guardians, a shootout occurred, and it lead to bullets being ricochet everywhere, and destroying furniture. And the cupboard is not freed from the damages even after it was fixed. Debbie glances at the cupboard. She sighs, closes it.

It opens. She attempts to close it. Yet it opens once more. Debbie repeatadly does this until her anger sets in and she starts to slam the cupboard door at a fast pace. 

Debbie: "Damn it!" 

She continues to slam the door as she yells. The wine glasses fall and break onto the tiled floor of the kitchen. Soon, the cupboard's door breaks off of it's hinges, and she throws it away.*

Debbie sinks to the floor, sobbing. Everything's starting to be a bit too much for her after knowing that the last 20 years of her marriage was all a facade and nothing else. Currently, Mark's busy with his studies at college. And therefor, you're here for her when Mark isn't. 

You walk in, opening the front door and speaking in a soft tone for Debbie.

Y/N: "Debbie?"

Debbie doesn't respond, the poor woman is so overwhelmed with despair that she can't react to you entering. Her sobbing continues, and she sits there in the kitchen, surrounded by glass. You walk over to Debbie, helping her up. 

Y/N: "I know how you feel. He had no reason to do this to any of us."

Debbie is overcome with grief, and leans into you, sobbing into your shoulder, her body shaking with sobs. All of this, for what... she still loved him, but couldn't understand what had prompted such cruelty.

Y/N: "if it helps, I was in Chicago when he came through with Mark. I was... buried under rubble. But The New Guardians helped me out."

She continues to sob, but is in disbelief at what you just said.

Debbie: "You were...buried by the rubble? And The New Guardians saved you?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I thought I died there. But seeing Mark fail to hold up a building was the most scariest thing I've seen in my life. When it fell, it killed everyone around me. And now, here I am. Having to live with the fact that I saw my girlfriend smashed by rubble."

Debbie is speechless at hearing that, her sobs subsiding somewhat.

Debbie: "Oh Y/N... I'm... I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad you're alive, but the fact that you've had to watch your love die in front of you, that's just awful..."

Y/N: "Yeah. Tell me about it. I guess Nolan killed 2 relationships at the same time." 

You look saddened, but you stay strong for Debbie. She can't help but find bitter humor in that. Nolan had destroyed her marriage, destroyed her relationship with her son, and he was the cause of you losing your girlfriend as she joined the death toll of those who were in Chicago. As a result, she couldn't agree more.*

Debbie: "You could say that again..."

You sigh. 

Y/N: "I'll be out of your hair now. I just wanted to see if you're fine."

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