Thieves (Emerald Sustrai🍋)

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I'm losing the passion to write but I'm just doing this to keep the passion going even though I'm losing it quickly it's wild 🙏


After being cooped up in your room all day,  you decide to take a quick stroll outdoors.

Eventually, and luckily for you, you bump into a girl with mint green hair. You quickly apologize and continue walking, but she calls after you.

Emerald: "Hey! You dropped this." 

When you turn around, you barely manage to catch your wallet, which the girl had thrown at you. She walks towards you, giving you a sly grin.

Emerald: "I'm Emerald. You should be more careful."

Y/N: "Huh. Name's Y/N." 

You take your wallet back.

Emerald: "Nice to meet ya, Y/N." 

The girl glances up at the sky. 

Emerald: "Well... I should get moving."

Before you can reply, a sudden gust of wind rips past the two of you, sweeping Emerald's coat off her body.

Emerald: "Ah- no!" 

The girl bends over to collect her fallen coat and starts to walk off again.

Y/N: "Emerald, isn't it? You sure you won't need help going home?"

Emerald looks back at you, considering it for a moment before shrugging.

Emerald: "Eh. Couldn't hurt." 

She says. She takes off walking, leaving you to follow.

Emerald: "By the way, when I said nice to meet you, I meant it. You're really cute." 

Emerald glances down at you with a devilish grin. 

Emerald: "Not used to a girl complimenting you, huh?"

Y/N: "I'm used to it, Em. You're cute too." 

You chuckle.

Emerald seems taken aback by your response. She blushes slightly and then smiles.

Emerald: "Heh, really?" 

Y/N: "Does it look like I'm lying here?"

As she says this, the air grows cold around the two of you. Emerald glances down at your stomach, and looks up at you as an impish look crosses her face. She's a thief. And she knows what she wants now. And no jewel can compare. 

Emerald: "No, you aren't. You're definitely cute. So cute, in fact, that I wouldn't mind taking a lil' nibble on you."

And you eye Emerald in return. 

Y/N: "I love the kind of woman who would kick my ass." 

Emerald's grin widens and she blushes slightly more after she heard that.

Emerald: "Well, maybe I could do that for you. And I promise, it'll be worthwhile. So, what do you say we get out of here and go somewhere more... private?"

Y/N: "That'd work." 

You loop your arm around Emerald, feeling her curves. Emerald wraps her free arm around your neck and pulls herself close to you, her body pressing right up against yours.

Emerald: "Mmm... I knew you'd say yes." 

She leans in closely, the scent of her perfume filling your nostrils, and whispers in an alluring tone. 

Emerald: "And now, I get exactly what I want. A fine man all to myself..."

Y/N: "How about we get into the bedroom first?"

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