My Martian Admirer (Miss Martian)

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After a long day of keeping villains at bay, Miss Martian flies around Metropolis patrolling the city alone at the middle of the night, at this point she hasn't seen any villains around or danger. But for what really takes her by surprise is you, a young man standing by himself on top of a building. Right at the very edge. Megan stands right behind you, and you look at her. Megan offers you a very light and caring gaze. Before this, you've been a loner for quite some time. But now... you have an opportunity to find a new connection.

Megan: Hey. Please, don't jump.

Y/N: What? No, I'm not gonna do that. I'm just... on my lonesome at the moment. And just so you know, I'm on my own most of the time. Believe it or not, my friends all got powers, and they left me behind. So... yeah.

Megan: Oh... that's sad to hear. I'm sorry. But, I have a good idea. Maybe I could keep you company instead.

Your eyes widened out of surprise.

Y/N: Uh... really? You mean that?

Megan: Yeah! Name's Megan. Megan Morse.

Y/N: Y/N.

You chuckle.

Y/N: And to be honest... I've been following your deeds. You, Superboy, Kid Flash, Artemis, Beast Boy, Zatanna, Aqualad, you're all heroes.

Megan blushes a little upon hearing you compliment her and The Team.

Megan: Well... that's kind of you to notice, thank you Y/N. You too are also a hero, just as much as we are.

Y/N: Megan, I can't exactly breathe fire or throw cars-

Megan: No, but the fact that you've stuck it out this far all on your own shows what a strong person you are. 

Y/N: Thanks. I really needed to hear that. Also, is the Martian thing a jig? Or is it real?

Megan: I mean... I am actually from Mars, if that's what you mean. 

A bit of sadness is apparent in her voice, as if this isn't something she likes talking about.

Y/N: Oh. I didn't mean to talk down on you. I'm just curious. I've... never really met a Martian before.

Megan laughs a little. 

Megan: It's okay! I get this a lot. Us Martians are more reserved to ourselves, and our only form of communication is telepathy. I hope I didn't sound offended or anything... 

However, Megan looks unsure, still a bit down about the conversation. You move forward, placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort. 

Megan: No one's really ever been this... kind to me before...

Y/N: Wait wait wait, not even your own teammates are kind to you? I'm sure they appreciate you.

Megan: Yeah... you're right I guess, they do. To an extent whenever we have to fight those who harm the public. But... I don't know, I just wish I could fit in better with them y'know? Like... be more social and outgoing, be less awkward and weird. I feel like if I wasn't then they'd accept me more.

Y/N: Well, I'm here. I'm your extra human friend. On Earth.

You chuckle. A smile lights up Megan's face, as she smiles excitedly.

Megan: Really? You mean that Y/N? I- I'm so grateful! I- I really don't know how to put it into words. You've been the kindest and most understanding person to be around. I think the rest of the team could learn a thing or two from you.

Y/N: I don't think they would notice me as you know... (you jump up and down, landing right down) normal human guy over here, Megs.

Megan holds your hands, stroking the back of your palms with her thumbs.

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