001. catching feelings

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i never intended on hooking up with taylor last summer... it just sort of happened. i was feeling insecure, and i know it was a really shitty thing to do to shayla. you don't have to tell me that twice.

i thought hooking up with taylor was ridiculous. i thought it was just me being stupid. i thought it meant nothing.

but i was wrong.

i was so wrong.

when i saw her with milo at the party, i didn't know what i was doing. i just knew i was trying to get her attention. i wasn't really sure why.

... and i guess that's why i ended up falling on my face after trying to crowd surf.

but things started to change when she decided to come to cousins. i was almost... relieved.

i never intended on catching feelings, let alone dance with her in the same room i danced with shayla last year. it just struck me like some sort of lightening.

i want to be around taylor jewel ALL of the time. when she gives other people attention, i lose it. the jealousy is eating me alive. especially around milo.

and that's where our story begins.

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