003. flying in a dream

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after julia told us that the house had been put up for sale, everyone felt defeated. we all headed inside and collectively decided we should have a party to give a proper farewell to the cousins house.

belly took charge and made sure everyone was doing something to get ready for the night. after we had all showered and power napped, taylor went to tell belly that conrad wanted her to go on a supply run... and just a minute later, she came back inside on facetime with milo.

i don't hate milo, but he's just been annoying the crap out of me. from what i've seen of the two of them, they don't have a very close relationship. not like tay tay and i do.

"i miss you," taylor said to him. she glanced up at me for a split second, and that's when i started getting more jealous. i wanted to be the one that had tay tay's attention, even if it was stupid. she's my favorite person.

"i don't like being a part, babe. it's messing with my head," i heard milo say through the phone. god, what an annoying guy. 

"i know," taylor said. "tay tay, do you wanna make the IG invite public or private?" i asked her as she leaned over the kitchen island. "but you're the only person that'll tell me if it sucks," i heard milo say to her.

"okay, helloooo! the IG invite, public or private?" i asked. she turned to face me for a split second. "private. obviously, we don't wanna prescreen the randos." i couldn't stop staring at her.

"babe, when are you coming back? i'm tryna write some new songs, but i need my muse next to me," milo told her through the phone. i scoffed. he really thought that taylor was his for the taking. i bet he doesn't even know anything about her other than her first name.

"wait, how did your meeting go?" taylor asked. "eh, they were bullshit. bunch of scammers. not worth our time," said milo. i hopped off the counter and put an arm around tay tay and told him, "hey, man, you just can't trust anybody these days, am i right?"

she started to push me away and i laughed before shrugging her away. "it's just the audacity, you know?" milo asked. "yeah," said taylor. "whatever. screw them then," said milo. "babe, i should really go. we have to figure out these party details or no one's gonna show up tonight. it's like this whole thing," tay tay said. 

"you guys are having a party?" milo asked. i guessed from the way they talked that they hadn't been talking much since she's been in cousins. seconds later, i grabbed her phone and whirled it around to talk to milo. "hey, man, look, i'm really sorry. we're just on a bit of a time crunch right now. i mean, she'll call you right back, though, yeah?"

milo was trying to say something when i hung up. "stop!" taylor shouted, trying to grab her phone. "what?" i asked with a shrug. "give me my phone. give me my phone," taylor repeated. "what? i'm just trying to help," i said with a smile as she took the phone.

"whatever you're trying to do, stop," taylor said before walking off. what? how was i directly supposed to tell her about how i felt about her?

while connie, jere, and belly went on a supply run and cam and skye went to get some stuff from his house, taylor and i stayed at the house. she came outside later when i was already out to talk to me about the IG for the party as we both sat on the edge of the pool and dipped our legs in.

"you sure you want my advice?" i asked as she handed me the phone. "yes," taylor said. "retro vibes?" i asked. "yeah," taylor said. "that's sweet," i said with a nod. "ehh. i- i would... i would come to this. i would at least stop by."

"oh my god," taylor groaned. "please. you wouldn't even be on the guest list if you weren't throwing the party." i smiled and laughed at her, obviously knowing that wasn't true. "no, but look, i tagged marisa and dara. i mean, who else?" tay tay asked.

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