010. spooky season

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it was halloween on a friday night, and i was stuck at princeton studying because we only had a few weeks more until thanksgiving, and the week after that, we had finals... which meant christmas break was coming up super fast.

tay tay called me as soon as she got out of school because we were trying to work out some time for me to come home or her to come up and visit before then. thanskgiving was soon, but i was sure we could work out something to see each other before then. plus, i hadn't even seen her since her homecoming weekend.

"are you sure you can't come visit next weekend?" she asked. "i mean, i know you're super busy studying and everything, but if you wanna just bring your stuff, i'll help you study. plus the drive will give you more of a break so you don't cram everything into your brain all at once."

i sighed. "you know i want to, taylor. i just... i just think it'll be even more of a hassle. i'm sorry. i really wish i could."

"steven?" my sister's voice called through the phone. "belly? what do you want?" i asked. "you have to stop living for books! come home and visit taylor! jere's coming, and he'll want to see you too!"

i rolled my eyes. "this doesn't concern you, belly. give the phone back to taylor." seconds later, taylor said, "i'm not trying to be a jerk, steven. we both just really miss you."

"no, no, no, no, you're not being a jerk. i don't want you to think that," i told tay tay. "i'm just really busy. i miss you too, taylor. i just wish there was a better way to work this out."

i heard a sad sigh come from her. "yeah, me too. just make sure you actually go out and do something fun this weekend, okay? studying too hard will make your brain swell up and explode."

i smiled and chuckled. "okay, okay, i will. you don't need to worry about me. how's your statistics project coming along?"

"yeah... can we talk about something else? school is going to be the death of us," taylor muttered. 

i chuckled. "okay. have you decided which party you're going to tonight? also, if you don't send me a picture of you and belly, i'm sure my mom will, and you'll hate it so make sure you get one, okay?"

"i'm actually not going to either of them," taylor said. "there was a slight change of plans, and jeremiah's coming in town to see belly, so they're going as a couple."

i frowned. "seriously? i'm sorry, tay tay. i know you were looking forward to it. what can i do to cheer you up?"

"you don't need to cheer me up, steven," taylor said with a laugh. "i'll be fine. it's not something that i'm upset about. besides, it gives me time to do something i've been wanting to do for a while anyways."

i sighed. "oh, i don't buy that at all. you're telling me that jere and belly are just going to a party and you're not upset about not going to any at all? what taylor jewel am i speaking to?"

"yeah, that's exactly what i'm saying. i've gotta go, but i'll call you later, babe, okay?" she replied.

"yeah, okay. i'll talk to you later, tay tay. be careful driving," i said with a small smile.


my roommate, darien, tried to get me to go with him and a few other guys to a frat party, but i decided to stay in my dorm and chill instead. 

since i'd promised taylor i'd stop studying, i just cleaned up the room a bit, got some food from the dining hall, and showered. i was tired, and i missed my girlfriend.

i was reading cleveland's new book that mom had sent me when someone knocked on the door. "you can come in, man. there's no one else in here," i called to darien.

"sorry, mr. conklin, but we're going to have to search your dorm. we got an anonymous tip that you and mr. peters are in possession of alcohol. would you mind opening the door for us?" the person called in return. 

i stood up and slowly made way to the door to open it. my heart rate immediately started escalating. yeah, i'd had a few drinks here and there on campus, but we didn't have any in the dorm. darien was the kind of guy who would have a full on rage-fest if we got caught, so the thought was far from us.

as soon as i opened the door, i saw a more-than-familiar face staring back at me with the biggest grin i think i've ever seen in my entire life.

"oh my god, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, but you should have seen your face!" taylor shouted, bursting out into a fit of laughter.

i sighed in relief and threw my arms around her, pulling her close into my chest. "don't ever do that again! you scared the shit out of me!"

she threw her arms around my shoulders and held on tightly. "i've missed you so muuuuuch," she said.

"how did you get here so fast?!" i asked, closing the door before swinging her into the room and setting her back down on her feet. " i thought you weren't able to come up!"

"yeah, well, you're a terrible liar, and i knew when you said you were going to go do something with your friends you were lying," she said chuckling. "so i thought i'd come up and visit you for the weekend and get you out of your annoyingly perfect study zone."

we spent the rest of the night watching horror movies cuddled up on my bed before darien came back. it's always a good laugh to see your girl scared to death, especially when it's not even that scary.

"is she staying tonight?" darien asked when he saw taylor. "oh, no, i'm staying at a hotel near by. the movie's almost over," taylor replied.

i frowned. "what? no, you're not. you're staying here tonight. i'm not gonna make you leave and go to some sketchy ass hotel."

 taylor looked at me and said, "they're not sketchy, steven. they'll be fine. besides, you need your sleep. otherwise, you get cranky."

"i do not get cranky," i denied, "and those hotels suck. i'm not gonna make you leave. seriously, tay. there's no reason for you to leave."

her eyes flickered over to darien. "fine. as long as you guys don't snore." darien laughed hoarsley. "i don't, but your man does."

i frowned. "no, i don't." he gave me a look. "yeah, you do, man. every night." taylor smiled at me and said, "see? i should just stay at a hotel."

"no, no, no, no, no, no. the hotels here are shit. i'm serious. just stay here tonight, okay? the food in the dining hall is better than the hotel's anyways," i said.

taylor sighed with a sly smile. "you're not gonna give up on this, are you?" i shook my head and smiled. "nope."

"fine, i'll stay overnight," she said with a reluctant smile.

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