008. party it up

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tay tay and i got ready for the party in about half an hour and quickly headed downstairs. belly and jeremiah had already left, and we didn't want to be too late. 

when we got there, everyone started crowding around taylor. i wasn't taken by surprise, but it was lowkey overwhelming. i'd come home to spend time with my girlfriend, and i knew she wanted to spend time with me too, but every time she made her way back to me at the party, someone else just had to talk to her.

it wasn't taylor i was annoyed with. i would never get annoyed over her getting the credit she deserved. i was proud of her and happy for her. it was the people that kept her away from me almost all night that got under my skin. 

i was chilling on the couch with jere and one of the other volleyball girl's boyfriend when i finally got to see tay tay again. she came and sat down next to me before resting her head on my shoulder.

"you alright, tay tay?" i asked, glancing down at her. she looked exhausted. "yeah. it's just been a long night," she muttered. 

i kissed her forehead and said, "just let me know when you're ready to go home, okay?" she smiled into my shoulder and nodded.

 but, of course, then the entire team said it was cake time, and since taylor's the captain, she had to be there to make a speech.

the guys and i headed to the kitchen behind her and i smiled as she made her big speech. tay's come a long way. i remember when she and belly first started playing volleyball in elementary school and she could hardly even get a serve across the net.

"it's no secret that we had a rough start to the season this year, but as a team, we pulled through and won state!!" tay tay shouted. the other players roared in excitement. "i'm seriously still in shock you guys chose me to be team captain this year, but it was the best season i've ever had. i'm going to miss you guys so much next yearrrr. now, let's celebrate!"


i went to go chill back on the couch after getting a drink from kitchen while everyone else was getting cake and thought i was alone, but just seconds after i sat down, taylor and belly's friend evelyn sat next to me.

"so, i take it this isn't really what you do at princeton all night?" she asked with a small smile.

i shrugged. "nah, not really, but i don't mind being here. i've missed taylor, and she deserves the gratitude and attetion she's being given tonight."

"right," evelyn said with a nod and a light chuckle. "she told you about milo, right?"

i made face. "about what? his crappy new music that came out over the summer?" i asked with a laugh.

"no..." she said quietly. "he's been coming to all of her games. he actually started texting her again a few days ago too. left roses on her front porch. kind of weird, if you ask me. i'm surprised she hasn't said anything to you."

i frowned. this was news to me. "wait, like-- he's been trying to make a move on her?"

evelyn nodded. "yes. multiple. he threatened to come to the party tonight, but apparently he didn't because he knew you were coming around and didn't want to make a big deal about the two of them getting back together."

getting back together?! i shook my head in denial. "look, evelyn, are you sure these aren't just rumors? i mean, milo's a pretty weird guy. he'd do anything to try to gain some more attention."

"sorry, steven, but it's real. taylor and milo are definitely secretly hooking up," evelyn said with a sad frown. 

i shook my head in denial once more. "i-- i-- i don't believe you. taylor would never do something like that."

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