009. homecoming

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taylor and i spent the day after the volleyball celebration party watching a heck ton of fall movies. it was a good way to spend our saturday after the dramatic events of friday night.

on sunday, we went to the fall festival and walked around, seeing what all of the little booths were selling this year. i have to admit, there was some pretty impressive stuff to look at.

there was one booth in particular that tay tay and i had to stop by because it was gilmore girls themed. taylor said it was a called a pop up shop, and it had a bunch of art and merch. it was called "stars hollow shop". i've never seen the show, but tay and belly have watched it religiously during the fall for the past six years straight. apparently "stars hollow" is the town it's set in.

the rest of the week, taylor had school. while she was at school, i hung out with some of my friends who were also home from school and played video games. i called conrad a few times, but he wasn't very communicative.

after taylor would get home from school, we'd spend a little time together before she had to go work on homecoming stuff. she said it was going to be really big this year, but she wouldn't give details since we were going together.

on friday, she didn't get home until five thirty because she'd just finished the final touches for the decorations. "so, where do you wanna go for dinner?" i asked. after a super busy week, she deserved some time to just breathe... and tay tay always loves going out.

"panda maybe? i don't wanna go anywhere too expensive. i have to start saving so i can buy christmas presents early," taylor said as she plopped down on the couch next to me. 

i laughed and smiled. "christmas isn't for another three months, tay tay, and you don't need to worry about money. i'm not gonna make you pay!"

"i appreciate it, steven, really, but i should pay for my food. it's not fair to make you pay for like every single time we eat out together. that's insane," she emphasized, "and i know it's three months away, but i want to be able to save my money for christmas time for other stuff. everything's on sale by the new year."

i shook my head. "no way am i letting you pay. it's not that expensive anyways. is panda really where you wanna go?"

"yes, it is, and i'm paying for our food," she said stubbornly, pulling out her credit card to show that she was being serious.

"okay, fine," i said with a sly smile. she eyed me suspiciously as we walked out to my car. "you have to stop giving me these weird suspicious glances," i said, chuckling.

"then stop acting suspicious!" tay tay exclaimed. i shrugged in defense, "i didn't do anything suspicious."

when we got inside the car, she was still holding her credit card, and i quickly grabbed it and shoved in the drink holder on my side of the car where she couldn't reach.

"steven, that's not fair, give it back! i'm paying for our food!" she exclaimed with a smile, trying to fight me to get it back.

"hey! no, no, no! i'm the driver, i make the rules!" i exclaimed in response. "then we'll take my car! i'm paying!" she insisted. 

i smiled and shook my head at her. "sorry, tay tay. that's not gonna happen. a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do."


i didn't see taylor again the next day until she came over to get ready with belly for homecoming. "tay tay!" i exclaimed as she walked into the door with a large makeup train case and a black hanging cover that i knew her dress must be in.

she gave me a quick hug and i kissed her before she said, "i've gotta go get ready with belly, but i'll see you after, okay?"

i frowned. "aww, come on. we still have two hourssss. can't we hang out a little before then?" 

"it's only two hours. don't start acting as whiny as jeremiah," she said with a face.

i frowned. what did that mean? "jeremiah's been whining to my sister?" i asked.

"n--no, of course not," taylor stuttered. "he's just... he's just a little over-needy. i know you aren't. sorry i compared you to him," she said, kissing me on the cheek before heading towards the stairs.

i sighed. "this is why conrad was always the better option."

"no, conrad always deserted belly when she actually needed him. jeremy might be needy, but at least he's here... and he doesn't mess with her feelings the way conbad did," she said with crossed arms.

i shrugged. "if you say so. see you later, tay tay."

jere got there about an hour and a half later, and belly came down the stairs first. she wore a soft lightly sparkly sky blue dress with her hair all down and heels that looked super uncomfortable to walk in.

then my girl walked down the stairs. looking more radiant than ever.

she wore a tight deep blue silk dress, and her hair was half up half down, with a bouncy curl to it. it made her eyes shine like honey. 

mom got a bunch of pictures of the four of us and then just belly and jere and then just me and tay before we left. it's hard to believe they're seniors now. 

i remember when tay and belly used to come down the stairs like that in princess dresses pretending to be going to prom like it was a fashion show. belly was always tiana and belle. tay tay was always cinderella and ariel. 

i always liked the way tay looked in a white dress. i hope i get to see her in one some day when we get married. 

we spent the night dancing around the floor, and it was probably one of the best nights of my life. our song, moon river, even got played... and so did party in the usa, but it wasn't like how it was at cousins. 

at cousins, i'd just told her my feelings. but here, it was real. it was all real... and we were together, official.

 i wish i'd seen taylor for how incredible she was earlier. then maybe we could've gone to more high school dances together. 

all i know is that tay tay is the answer to everything i've looked for in a person.

she's kind.
but not fake kind.

she's caring.
but not overbearing.

she's wild.
but still has limits.

she's attractive.

she's honest.

\she's everything.

she's taylor madison jewel,
and she's all i'll ever want,
and she's all i'll ever need.

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