012. christmas time

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a week and a half after thanksgiving, i was officially home for christmas break. taylor and belly were still in school most of the time, and jeremiah was staying at our house for the next two weeks straight.

 i thought it would be nice to spend more time with him and hopefully clear up anything bad between us, and i wasn't wrong. things went back to normal pretty quickly with him around. mom said conrad and mr. fisher might come for christmas too. it was going to be weird for sure, but i knew at least conrad would be able to keep his cool.

i was home for a little over two weeks before taylor got out of school. she was extremely happy the semester was over. she loves summer, but christmas time is one of her favorite times of the year.

we spent so much time together doing random things, and i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. first, we went to see their school's production of the nutcracker. that was one of my favorite things because we just laughed at it the entire time. watching nutcrackers and mice fight was definitely not on my first year of college bucket list. of course, we went to get starbucks after. taylor was a sucker for their hot chocolate, specifically the white peppermint. i was more of an old fashioned hot chocolate guy myself. 

we also went christmas light watching! we went to a park that gets decked out every year for it. "oh my gosh, steven, it's our song!" tay tay said as she pointed out at the american flag and the people around it. i laughed deeply and smiled at her, waiting for her to turn back to look at me. when she finally did, our eyes met and we went in for a kiss. it must have lasted longer than we realized because the next thing i know i was being honked at from behind.

we pulled apart and taylor rolled her eyes at the car. "just ignore them. they're obviously not a fan of love," she said. i smirked over at her and asked, "oh, wow, tay tay, did you just say love?" her eyes widened at the realization. "uhhh, no. i said they're not fan of dove. it's the kind of soap i use, ding dong." i tilted my head and smirked. "ah, no. you definitely said love."

"i did not!" she exclaimed. i laughed and leaned in to kiss her again. it lasted a little longer and then the people behind us started honking repeatedly at us. "you definitely said love," i said as we continued driving through the park to look at lights.

we also went to our town's christmas tree lighting. we wore big warm coats and tay tay looked adorable in her little white snow beanie. if anyone has a good sense of fashion, it's my girl. 

the weekend after school ended for her, we went to a christmas party a few of her friends were having. it was supposed to be small, but i saw people i hadn't talked to in a while... including evelyn. she smiled and waved awkwardly, but i just stared at her and turned around to go stay near taylor. 

she was dancing and spinning around with a drink in her hand in the kitchen when i found her. "tay tay, you wanna go dance?" i asked over the loud music. "yes!" she shouted back. she set her drink down, and i took her hand and pulled her into the living room. "hold on, let me go get him to play our song," she said as she turned towards the dj. i pulled her back closer. "we don't need to play party in the USA. i was talking about slow dancing."

a soft smile spread over her lips as she pulled in close to me. i smiled and rested my lips on her head as we swayed to the music. it was loud, but i guess we started a trend because a lot of people started slow dancing not long after we did. there were so many slow songs. i didn't think it'd ever end, and i didn't want it to. they played can't take my eyes off of you, dancing in the dark, daydreaming, dream a little dream of me, and mirrorball. 

i leaned down towards her face and she leaned up, enclosing the gap. it was the best christmas kiss ever, and i couldn't have asked for a better way to end the night.

taylor spent the majority of christmas day with her parents and sister before i saw her that night. we watched the polar express and a bunch of other movies before we fell asleep on the couch together. all i know is that i couldn't have asked for a more perfect girl to be asleep in my arms.


AN: sorry i haven't been updated in a while!! i have had lots of school things happening and three trips in a row and have been working on a looooot of things that are coming. i promise more staylor content is coming soon! i'm just trying to finish one or two of my other fics before this one  :)

also planning on a sequel to this one 'cause i've already got all the parts worked out ;) 

but who knows, that could be a while. i promise this fic will be updated much more when it starts to get warm outside and i have more time!

see ya next time -s

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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