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Dear whoever,

After my aunt's surgery my [grandmother] wanted to stay to visit her. I'm really concerned about her. My aunt already said she would find a way to send her back home in three weeks when she has rested. My mom and I are pretty sure she just wants to get there in time for the boat festival. The semester will be during that time and we won't be able to just drop everything to go with them to drive my [grandmother] home. I really don't like that.

I'm really concerned but I have some assignments to finish. I've been getting a bit distracted lately and need more Pied Piper to remind me to get to work. I think I've passed the class but I don't think I turned in all the work. I might need a break from everything. It's been a pretty stressful time.

In better news. There's a family of five cats living in my backyard. It's a black tuxedo cat with 4 kittens. One black, one gray, gray with white paws, and a gray striped one. While my [grandmother] was visiting she tried to call the cat in, I can understand why she wouldn't want to stay without her babies. But now her babies are in the backyard with her and she's more skittish.

The other day one kitten pooped in the vegetable garden we have. I had to dig it out without getting mauled by the mother. And today they were sleeping in an adorable little pile.


p.s. Promise, I didn't get mauled by mama cat.

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