1. Little White Lies (It was Just a Dream)

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You awoke with a jolt of pain coursing through your head. It was only there for a second, but the fear it brought never left you. Sitting up, your heart once again skipped a beat as you witnessed two wide eyes staring straight into yours out of the abyss.

Was it sleep paralysis? You froze for a second, letting out a little yelp. You expected the thing to disappear, or at worst, for it to move. But, nothing of the sort happened and you regained your senses. Reaching over, you plucked the lamp on your bedside table and the room illuminated. You blinked looking forwards as your eyes adjusted to the light.

Low and behold, the supposed 'apparition' that nearly scared you to death, was Wally. The bright puppet smiled at you with half lidded eyes.

"Holy hell, you nearly killed me!" The puppet just continued in his staring. "I swear I left you there," you mumbled begrudgingly getting up. You knew talking to yourself by pretending a puppet could hear you was 'unhealthy' but you might as well.

"Stay there," you scorned the unconscious puppet. Walking in what could hardly be called a straight line, you plopped yourself back in your bed. It was measly and cramped, but to be fair your entire apartment looked that way.

As soon as you had tucked yourself back into bed, you heard that forsaken alarm. 'BEEP, BEEP, BEEP' It went.

"Uh," you muttered, smacking the dang thing. "Time for work, Wally!" you mumbled to the puppet, mocking excitement. (Lie 1: Optimism)

You might as well 'rehearse' your optimism for work. Besides, it's not like he could hear you. (Lie 2: Can't Hear You)

You placed him into your bag as you got your phone out. Searching up the address, it wasn't that far. Seems like all you had to do was hand in Wally. Then maybe get through some paperwork, but it didn't seem that bad. (Lie 3: Simple)

You brushed your teeth and your hair before changing. "Hmm, I wonder what I'll wear," you opted for a simple shirt, jacket, and jeans. It wasn't exactly 'professional,' but it wasn't too casual either.


Pulling into the parking lot, you took a deep breath. Hopefully they had coffee. You'd completely forgot about that and now you were as drowsy as ever.

Walking inside the building, you clutched onto your bag. "Hi, I'm the new worker, I have the Wally Darling Doll," you said, walking up to the front desk (Lie 4: No, a puppet)

"Oh, wonderful. Just go to the second floor, look for the Question-Answerer. He'll take that," the woman there said.

"The what?"


"Um, okay? Thank you! Anything else I should know?" She bit her lip staring to the side.

"Well, this might sound strange, but that puppet isn't what it seems,"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"It's alright, but you should know you're not the first person to try bringing that doll. I'm surprised you have it,"

"Oh, so it's surrounded by superstitions?"

"Whatever you'd like to make of it,"

"Well, I must get going,"

"Go ahead dear, and good luck!" Once she said that, you left. Since it was only a level upwards, you opted for the stairs. (Lie 5: It'll be Fine)

"Pfft, paranormal puppet. Heh, maybe I'll get a raise for bringing you in," you muttered to yourself, giggling.

Getting to the second floor, you asked around until finding said, Question-Answerer. "Hello, I'm y/n. I'm looking for the uh, 'Question-Answerer'?"

"That's me," the brunette answered. "You must be the new hire,"

"That's right. I've got the Wally Darling doll," you said reaching into your bag. His eyes widened.

"A-actually he's a puppet," was he burning up?

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know calling him that was taboo,"

"It's fine. Anyways, do you have him?"

"Yes, right here," once again, reaching into your bag. Feeling around for the felt, you couldn't find him. "Um, I'm sure he's-" you started as you looked inside the bag, "Where is he?"

"Oh, looks like he decided not to show up,"

"What was that?"

"Nothing, did you forget him?"

"I must've left it at home," your mind was fuzzy, "Yes, I left him at home," everything from this morning was becoming a blur. (Lie 6: Not here)

"It's alright, for now you can go back home,"

"What?! But, I just got here. Don't you have anything I could do?"

"Sorry ma'am, for now all of our positions are filled," (Lie 7: Useless)

"Oh, alright. I'll be back tomorrow and I swear I'll have him,"

"Of course. It must have slipped your mind," (Lie 8: I Believe You) You nodded, turning your heel and leaving the building.

"Well, today went awfully. Tomorrow will have to be better," you mumbled to yourself, starting the car. (Lie 9: False Hope)


"Uhhh, of course I left you here," you grumbled. Searching your car and apartment, the puppet was sitting on your desk. Propped up just as he had been this morning. (Lie 10: Right Here)

"Might as well get my other four hours of sleep," and with that, you collapsed on your bed. Asleep in seconds, as the drowsiness of the day caught up to you.

"Lying again love? I guess that makes ten in one day! I think I'll call this one 'I'm Right Here', ha, ha, ha,"

901 words

"Hmm, I wonder who that might be? Hope you enjoyed and please vote for more!"


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