3. Living in Dreamland

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You woke up bright and early. You had a wonderful dream, but that's all you remembered about it. You couldn't remember where you were, what you did in it, you couldn't even remember if you had a dream at all! All you knew was that you woke up optimistic for the first time in years.


You yawned after brushing your teeth. Something felt a bit off. It was a strange feeling. Like, someone was watching your every move.

Trusting your senses, you scanned the area. Everything seemed alright, your measly bed was made, the closet was full of your usual attire, even the kitchen felt tidier than last night. Wait, you hadn't even been in the kitchen.

Walking there, you could still feel a pair of eyes on you. Immediately, you knew what was wrong.

Your heart must have skipped a beat.

"You almost scared me to death!" You exclaimed to the puppet. How did he get there? Maybe you sleep walked? But you propped him up on your counter in your sleep? That was unbelievable.

You snatched the puppet and threw him in a box. Was it convenient to take an Amazon box with a puppet inside it to work? No. Was it necessary? Yes.

"Aren't you supposed to be some dapper show host? Why the hell are you haunted!?!"

As soon as you said that, you couldn't help but imagine the puppet's smile got wider.

~~~ (insert timeskip joke)~~~

You pulled into the parking lot and quickly found a spot. Afterwards, you checked on the box. The puppet was still there; it would be absolutely impossible for it to disappear, right?

Yeah, that's what happened. You handed him in safely. He was right there in the box.

No more puppet, no more problems.

~~~ I hate Wattpad rn ~~~

"Finally, free!" You flopped onto your bed. It barely fit you, but it was alright. You got great PR from being the first to successfully bring the doll in, and on top of that you were appointed to help restore the puppets after your great job on Wally!

Things were finally looking up, right?

You decided to spend the rest of the day drawing the puppets and treating yourself. Well, by treating yourself you actually meant taking a nap. Not like you could afford much more.

~~~ 🍎 ~~~

The kitchen smelt wonderfully. Apple and cinnamon sugar wafted through your senses. Sure, Poppy usually did all the baking, but the taste of your sweets couldn't be topped.

You gingerly sprinkled sugar atop the pie crust after clamping the edges. The oven felt welcoming rather than abrasive. Nice and toasty for this delightful treat.

You didn't feel ecstatic, just happy and comforted. You wanted this moment to last forever. The feeling of bliss that overwhelmed you as you waited for the baked good was immeasurable. And knowing it would get even better as you tasted the fruits of your just slight labor, made you feel happier than you ever could've been.

The oven gave a satisfying 'ding' as you reached for your blue mitts. He made sure to get blue ones, it was his favorite color after all. The color was starting to grow on you too.

"Mm," you grinned, placing the dish on some cloth you kept atop the counter.

"Done yet?" You heard a familiar voice.

"No, unless you'd like to burn your fingers off," you answered, chuckling.

"Oh darling, you know your treats are worth it," he would never stop calling you that, would he?

"Worth what? The wait or the burns?"

"I think a bit of both."

"Showing some restraint, huh. Usually you'd be ready to claw into the poor thing," you teased.

"It's a pie, not a 'poor thing' I'm sure you know you're meant to eat it."

"Yes, you eat it. I'm taking about you devouring it."

"You can't expect someone to not react that way in front of their favorite treat," you just giggled at that.

"Actually, I think it's ready now," you said, touching the, now much cooler, dish.

"Wonderful! Shall we 'devour' it now?"

"Devour we shall," you said, giggling once again.


686 words

"I know it's really short, but I promise it'll get better soon. Please vote and all the stuff. For now the question is, do you actually want more dream sequences?"


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