14. Secrets

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"Uh," you'd been scrolling on your phone for a while. Having nothing to do, you resigned to sheer absolute boredom. No notifications on anything; so entertaining.

Your legs started up on their own, getting off the couch. You surrendered to the first idea to come to you. "Wally, I'll be next door if you need me," the two of you hadn't said a word since you woke up. He was oddly cryptic about the situation, and was just about as helpful as a fly on the wall.

"Where are you going?" He chirped from who knows where.

"A neighbor, it's just the room across from ours. I won't be gone for long."

"Okay," with that said, you left. You barely got up from the couch before reaching your destination. You made sure the door was locked behind you. While this was a pretty safe place, you wouldn't dare leave the chance of someone stumbling upon a sentient puppet. Knocking on the adjacent door, it opened promptly.

"Oh, hey, y/n." His black hair was disheveled, and he looked thinner than usual. His attire consisted of tan trousers and an oversized white shirt. It was obvious he'd just returned from work.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just tired. Any reason you're here?"

"Well, I decided to take up your offer to chat. I could leave if you're not in the mood though-"

"No, no, no. Come in," he let you pass through, closing the door behind himself. The living room was so contrary to yours. It wasn't littered with books, but rather the few it did have were meticulously organized. Light was drifting in through a window, and the couch looked much more welcoming than yours.

"Did some interior design?"

"I'm not the same Kaylus from law school," his hair proved otherwise.

"Says the lawyer," he chuckled.

"You never cease to entertain me, y/n. Come on, let's speak in my office."

"Oh, you have an office now too? You really have changed."

"How does that prove anything?"

"You're rich now, and you didn't tell me!" The two of you shared a laugh and he let you into the apparent office. Well, he wasn't lying. There were neat stacks of paper piled on a dark wooden desk. A glimmering golden globe engraved with tons of tiny countries caught your eye. Behind that was a bookshelf full to the brim with books on legal terms, you were sure. "So you are rich! I demand payment!" You exclaimed, sitting on one of the chairs flanking the desk.

"Payment for what?"

"Keeping you sane during college."

"Hey, all you gave me was free coffee," he countered.

"Yeah, just about a million dollars worth of free coffee! And that's not even mentioning the times you had to bunk with me because you forgot your keys!"

"Well-" he paused, cocking an eyebrow, "I guess you're right, but I'm not paying you for it."

You rolled your eyes, "Never mind, you haven't changed a bit." The two of you spoke for a while, reminiscing over simpler times. You were very close in the past, but then you took different paths in life. One of which was much more preferable than the other.

The tranquility of his office was intoxicating. The dim light was ethereal, and you wished for the moment to last longer than it could. You'd forgotten how wonderful it was speaking with him. Then, a peculiar question emerged, "So, how's your boyfriend?"

Your eyes widened and you perked up, "Huh? What about him?" He chuckled at your return to reality.

"Just how he is. How did you meet anyways?"

Not this again, "Well, I met him because of work. I honestly never expected us to grow so close... I was surprised we even spoke at all."

"Mm, you know that reminds me of something."

"Go on," you coaxed.

"No, it's silly-"

"Oh, well now I'm curious." You smirked, leaning into the desk and propping your head on your elbows.

His face went a bit red, and he leaned back. "Well... can I trust you?"

"Of course," you didn't expect that.

He sighed, "Anne's been acting different," his tone was serious and a lot quieter.

"Your wife? I haven't seen her in a while, where is she?"

"At work. She's been here less and less by the day," his brow furrowed and he looked as if he were pleading for answers.

"Has her work gotten more rigorous? Maybe she has a special project."

"Not that I know of. She says she's been stressed out and needs a break, but she's constantly coming home at midnight." Was he accusing her of cheating? You'd never spent much time with Kaylus' wife, but she seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with him.

"When's the next time you can count on her being here?"

"Probably tomorrow at noon."

"I'll be there. And don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this," you got up, ruffling his already messy hair, and left. "It was nice speaking to you again." Bidding him farewell, you knocked at your own door. "Wally? It's me, y/n."

The door swung open. Entering swiftly, neither of you had caught sight of the figure watching. You hadn't heard the words quiet as silence itself lingering in the darkness.

"Who are you y/n, and what secrets are you hiding?"


891 words

"If you forgot who Kaylus is (I don't blame you) his first and only cameo so far has been in "11. Confusion," if you want to reread that. Do you like the story? Comment your thoughts and make sure to vote. I'll see you dear readers, next chapter!"

- Coffee

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