20. Soporific Effects

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When did you get here? You were in what appeared to be a bedroom. Having been tucked in nicely, but didn't remember waking up. You just weren't there, and then you were.

It scared you. You didn't know how or when you left. You hadn't fainted, or fallen asleep. It was as if you'd always been propped up on his bed, never having been anywhere else. Where were you before this? You couldn't recall that either.

The place was filled to the brim with enthusiastic colors. They weren't exotic in any way; just reds, blues, yellows, and some oranges. Red. Blue. Yellow. Orange. Red. Blue. Yellow. Orange. Red. Blue. Yellow. Orange. You busied yourself with the colors, but they were somehow less and more vivid than they were when you first laid eyes on them. Almost starting to blur together. Melding into a technicolor fantasy. Your head felt heavier than your fears, and your eyes were ever so close to closing. It was a pitiful sight, really.

The door clicked open.

"I see you're up," it was smooth, charming, alluring even. The suave figure stepped lightly towards you, the clicking of their shoes rhythmic in a comfortably coordinated manner.

"H-hello, I'm—" you paused to ponder over that. What was your name? You- you didn't remember your—"Why can't I remember my name!?!" Your eyes practically bulged out of your head in paranoia.

"Whoa there, neighbor. You're alright," his voice fit his usual demeanor. "I'm Wally." Wally? Wally... y/n? Memories flooded into your head instantaneously.

"Wally? What am I doing back here?!" This was his room, you were back home! He just beamed innocently.

"There you are, y/n! I almost thought I lost you there, silly, silly," he chuckled, much to your chagrin.

"I-I need some fresh air." Before he could interfere, you sped out the house. Home.

Your breathing was ever so quick, but grew more controlled. Letting a little stroll ease your consciousness. Without warning, you felt a hand cover your mouth from behind. You went to scream, but your agonizing cries came out as nothing but muffled wails. You made out a familiar voice, except whatever it spoke of sounded urgent.

"Don't worry. Listen, we have to be fast; he keeps a careful eye on you. Get out of here while you still can. Never come back." He carefully took his hand off your face, making very sure you didn't proceed to scream.

"What about you?"

"The neighbors aren't real... not anymore at least. And, it's too late for me," all of a sudden, he was gone.

What was that? It was all so sudden. You trailed back home. While you were inclined to murder Wally, your brain was already contorting. That ominous message winding through your head over and over again.

What did he know? What was Wally doing? Why did he want you to leave? And why is it... that Wally seemed to want the same thing?

The colorful puppet-like entity—you didn't even know what to call him anymore—was leaning against Home's door, eyeing his watch. He perked up upon your arrival, a mischievous smirk on his face, "Hello, y/n."

"Wally, I want to go home," you stated flatly. His appearance didn't falter, but rather focused itself on something behind you.

And then he was gone. Like a glitch. Like static on a television program. What just happened? Your breath hitched, and you cautiously neared the door. The house was empty. Not knowing what else to do, you figured making your way back to Wally's room was your best bet.

And there he was, on his bed, humming an eerily familiar melody. "Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me. Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee," he was singing it into a red rotary phone. It made you feel extremely tired just listening from afar. "List while I woo thee with soft melody," he paused and hung up upon seeing you.

"Who were you talking to?" You couldn't help but question.

"I like to wish all the neighbors good night before bed," wait, bed? You looked out the window next to his bed and low and behold, it was dark out. Two aspects of it struck you as odd. One was that you'd never seen it dark out here; you just thought it never got dark. Secondly—it was midday just a minute ago. What happened to all that time?

"So, were you talking to Frank outside?" You looked at your feet, as you always did when you had to twist the truth.

"No, he just passed by." Looking back up to him, he seem displeased.

"If you say so, neighbor," he took your hand and sat you on the bed as well.

"Beautiful dreamer,"


795 words

"Sorry for the sort of late update. I'm trying to juggle a lot of crazy school stuff. I mean, it's literally the middle of the night where I'm at rn (no, seriously, it's 12:43). Anyways, how was the chapter? I put my all into this one and the next few, so I'd love to hear your thoughts. As always, I'll see you next chapter!"

- Coffee

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