21. Gaslighting

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You were strolling around in the neighborhood trying to get your mind off of your rude awakening. No, it wasn't a spiritual awakening of any sort; it was waking up in Wally's bed rather than your own and him half ignoring you.

"Wally, what am I doing here?"

"What do you mean? You are at home, darling."

You tried your best not to reminisce about it, but you couldn't stop yourself. "Uh, stupid Wally," you grumbled, kicking an innocent yellow pebble out of your way.

That's when you were reminded of another thing: you looked more like a puppet everyday. It was extremely subtle, but your limbs were getting thinner. This wasn't because of stress—it felt normal—no, you looked a bit more like Julie and Sally. Your features were growing more exaggerated, but it would be impossible to tell unless you yourself were being the one transformed. And that you were, of course.

Trying to steer your mind clear of those thoughts, you heard a duet of faint voices in the distance, "Well it's a showstopper of an idea, Julie, I'll give you that. But I just don't believe it's possible!"

"No, it's true! I swear, I swear!" You heard Julie reply desperately. You picked up the pace and soon they were in your line of sight.

"Hey Sally; Julie!" You waved and they both eagerly greeted you.

"Hi, y/n!" They said in unison.

"Oh, what is it that you two are making a ruckus over this time?" The familiar voice sent shivers up your spine. Who knew one message could change the way you looked at a person.

"Oh, hi, Frank! I thought you said you were going to spend a quiet morning organizing your bowties!" Julie beamed upon his arrival, but looked a bit confused as well.

Frank dryly replied with: "How could anyone effectively organize anything with you three talking so loudly at each other?"

"Well, what are you two talking about? I'm curious as well," you asked.

"Our most monstrously marvelous Juliet here insists that the local mailman is enough of a powerhouse to lift every! Single! Neighbor! In the neighborhood!" Sally always dramatized everything, didn't she? Though, could Eddie lift up every neighbor here? Did Home count as a neighbor? And everyone here was at least Wally's height, and he stands at upwards of six feet tall. Barnaby was probably a three meter tall behemoth!

"Oh, Julie, not this again," Frank drawled.

"It's true, it's true! Frank, you've seen it too!"

You decided to voice your feelings, "Julie, I'm not sure, Barnaby is twice the size of Eddie. Forget about Home!"

"Now, Eddie is... Fairly capable with carrying all his packages and such around, but-" Julie was quick to interrupt Frank.

"So you agree!"

"I didn't say- uh, I agree with y/n, alright? How could anyone possibly lift up home?"

"EDDIE CAN LIFT A HOUSE!" Julie pouted, jumping up and down repeatedly.

Frank turned to leave, "I give up."

"Well, I simply can't accept such a boast without proof!" Sally repeated.

"Oh, I can prove it! Look, here comes Eddie now, watch this!"

"What do you mean you can prove-" Frank was cut off by the mailman himself.

"Mail call! I've got mail here for-oh no," he deadpanned when Julie began sprinting towards him.

"Julie, don't!"

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