5. Reality: Stranger than Fiction

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Reawakening, you found yourself tucked in on the couch. There were some apples on the coffee table. They were probably left out for you, but one of them was half eaten.

"Neighbor? Are you awake?" You heard the slow voice. It felt calming and alarming at the same time. Calming because it reassured you that you weren't going insane, and alarming at the fact that it shouldn't exist.

"I-I," Wally was sitting next to you... he was speaking.

Eventually, you regained your senses. "W-Wally, you're... alive?"

"Alive? Am I?"

"I um, t-think so," how were you supposed to respond to a question like that?

"Oh, I guess I am," he said, still grinning.

"H-How?" You could barely mutter a single word.

"Mm, I don't really know. Maybe I could ask Barnaby!"


"Yes! He is my best friend. He knows a lot of things. Where is he?"

"Wally, I honestly don't know,"

"Oh, well why not just turn on the picture show? He's sure to be there,"

"Um, Welcome Home isn't a show anymore,"

"I know that, why don't you use a tape?"

"I don't have a tape!"

"Oh," Wally mumbled, looking down. His smile was still there, but he didn't seem happy.

"So, you aren't some haunted, marionette, murderer, right?"

"What's a murderer?" That was enough to reassure you.

"Phew, I'll go check what's on the website,"


"The Welcome Home website, you don't know what it is?"

"No, but I'd like to understand," aww, he really is a cute little show host.

"Well, maybe there are some videos on the website. Then, you might feel less homesick,"

"Okay, what does homesick mean?"

"It's when you miss your home,"

"Welcome Home?" He asked. Why did he have to be so cute?

"Yes, exactly!" You said as his smile got wider.

"Your the most! Um,"

"Wonderful?" You tried finishing his sentence.

"No, I never got your name,"

"Oh, I'm y/n, y/n l/n,"

"That's pretty!"

"Thank you Wally! Now let's get to the website,"

"Where is it?" You giggled.


"It's over here," you said, pulling it up on your laptop.

"I know what that is! It's the message thingy,"

"Wally, what do you mean by 'message thingy'?" You asked calmly. He was obviously talking about the guest book, which had to be removed.

"Some nice people were saying good things about me and I drew them pictures!" So he was the one drawing all those doodles.

"Oh, here," you said pressing the Media page. This should have some sort of video or at least audio.

You clicked on the play button under 'Live Interview'

The interviewer and audience were laughing before anything was said. "You seem to have a lot going on in that neighborhood. In that uh"

The interviewer's voice faltered. "Welcome Home," you heard a familiar voice say.

Wally's grin got wider upon hearing that, "I remember that! Barnaby's there too!"

Listening to it with a grin of your own, you giggled at one of Wally's remarks.

"Is that why they call you Wally Darling?" The interviewer said, pointing out how charming Wally was.

"They call me Wally Darling because that's my name,"

Another part you found funny, but intriguing.

"You're very beloved by a lot of different people now. Do you find yourself in any sort of romances lately, hm?" The interviewer, who was probably used to talking like this (giving the people what they want), said.

Wally sounded flabbergasted, "Romance?"

"Yes,  A love life?- Being so popular and all-"

"Oh no, I don't know. I love everyone. I love my friends," aww, the little guy was so wholesome.

(Quick) Wally pov

You didn't know it, but Wally already considered you a friend. A friend to love like all his others, but maybe you were different. Maybe you were what that interviewer was talking about.

No need to fret though. He was used to hiding his feelings.


You let it play on before eventually hearing a third voice.

"Barnaby B. Beagle! Hey! Who? How? What? Hello! How ya doin', Rick?"

If Wally's grin could get any wider, it sure did. "There he is! Barnaby, my best friend!"

"I've heard," that was the third time he mentioned Barnaby. You had a feeling it wouldn't be the last.

"I miss him and the other neighbors. Aren't there any picture shows? It's difficult like this, it feels all fuzzy," what did he mean by that?

"I'm sure there's a video somewhere," once you said that, a little butterfly icon flew in on the screen. What a cute gif!

"Is that a butterfly? Frank likes butterflies," you giggled at Wally's cute response, pressing on the butterfly to make it bigger.

But that didn't happen. "What the?" There was a glitchy video on a black screen.

"What's that?"

"I don't know," you mumbled pressing the play button.

"H-Hey uh, I'm coming. It'll just be a sec alright?" You heard a slightly disheveled southern accent.

"Eddie!" Wally exclaimed. "In a picture show!"

"Ow, uh I really outta look where my feet are goin' huh? Oh, hold on buddy, these are yours,"

"Strange, huh Wally?" You waited for a response, but none was given. Looking to where the puppet was he felt, well less alive.

"Wally?" Still no response. "Wa-"

Before you could respond, a pair of yellow hands pulled you through the screen. "AHH!"

"Y/n, it's alright!" Your eyes widened and your head snapped back towards the familiar voice.

913 words

"Can't wait to see the neighborhood! Please vote for more and comment if you can, unless you're a writer, you wouldn't know how much a vote or comment can help. See you next chapter!"


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