6. Welcome Home

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It was dark, was this the same dream? No, it wasn't a dream. It felt so much more real, every part of your body felt numb. It was as if you hadn't moved in hours.

Once again, you were surrounded by the black inky substance.

Then, there was a pain in the back of your head. Except, it wasn't the headache from before. This time you were knocked out.

~~~ Wally's pov ~~~

"Sorry neighbor," he knew you couldn't hear him, but he felt the need to say it anyways. 'Pathetic'

Even though you had trusted him, he couldn't let any of the neighbors know about the abyss underneath Home. The one that led to the true world.

Besides, he was sure you could get back to the real world through a television. You obviously weren't like him or the others. Not that he was like the others either, but he shouldn't dwell on that.

Now, he had to do something about this muck on your clothes. He was sure he had some spare items. Hopefully they were small enough for you.

It was now that he felt weak once again. It hurt to be in this world. He could barely remember how happy he used to be in here.

He, manipulated everything in this place. 'You know, you'll have to give me more freedom if you want to keep up this facade. Y/n is smarter than she looks, she'll be able to tell my acts aren't genuine,' he thought to himself.

It wasn't to himself and he knew it. He was watching, listening, waiting.

'Go on' it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He could see so much clearer now.

He let go most of his control over him.

The only thing he couldn't do was control you.

~~~ 🍎 ~~~


"Y/n, it's alright!" Your eyes widened and your head snapped back towards the familiar voice.


"Calm down, neighbor," your breath was still quick, but you were starting to grasp the situation.

"Y-you looked different."

"Yes, I guess I do." He looked more animated, and he was at least six feet tall. He looked taller than you actually, he even looked a bit handso-

"Are you alright?"

"Um, I think so," you didn't remember anything except someone, who was probably Wally, pulling you through your computer and ending up in this bed.

Speaking of the bed, you were in a bedroom adorned in red, yellow, and blue. There was a closet in the corner probably full of brightly colored clothes, a side table with a lamp, and what was probably your favorite part: the paintings on the walls. They depicted the characters of Welcome Home doing everyday things. Oh, and of course there was one of an apple.

"Where are we?"

"This is Home! And this is my room," he said, gesturing to the room.

"Oh, sorry for taking your bed," not like you took up much space on it. It was big enough for at least two people.

"It's alright neighbor," he said, with his signature grin on.

"Am I wearing different clothes?" You had a white long sleeved shirt on and some tan trousers.

"Oh, you had gotten pretty messy and I gave you some of my clothes," wait, did he change you? Your face was probably bright red, and that was saying something as you nearly never blushed. Deciding to leave it at that you asked your next question.

"So, what now? Can I get back?"

"Of course, but firstly, would you like to meet the neighbors?"

"Alright, but it better not be too long," you begrudgingly answered.

"Wonderful! You're just the most, y/n," he helped you get out of the bed. Once out though, your legs wobbled and you toppled back onto it.

"Hmm, is everything alright, neighbor? Do you need some help?"

"I'd appreciate that," how long had you been inside that bed? Well, never mind that. Wally lifted you up by your waist so your feet barely touched the floor. After a bit, you were able to carry your weight once more and he let go.

"Great work, neighbor!" He said, kissing the top of your head.

"Uh I- what was that?"

"Ha, ha, ha, silly y/n! Hugs and kisses always make me feel better," did his laugh always sound like that? It was slow and felt a bit unnatural.

"I guess they make me feel better too," you answered, giggling. Even if his laugh sounded suspicious, it sort of felt contagious. It was like he was radiating happiness.

He led you outside. "This is our first stop, as well as our first neighbor,"

"Huh?" You looked around, but didn't see anyone.

"Ha, ha, over there, neighbor. This is Home," he gestured to his house.

"Oh!" You were startled by the pupils in the house's windows. They were moving, but were now dilated and focused on you. "H-hi, Home, was it?"

The shingles on its roof ruffled and the door banged open and shut a few times. "They say hi too," Wally whispered

You awkwardly waved before turning back to Wally. "You can understand them?" Wally's eyes widened as soon as you said that. While his smile was still on, it felt twisted. As if he longed to say something, but just couldn't.

"You're very observant neighbor."

"How so?"

"Just seems like it," little did you know, he could read your thoughts. "Shall we get to the other neighbors?"

"That, we shall," he chuckled at that.

~~~ Wally's pov (again ;)) ~~~

Why were you so perfect? 'Not this again, weakling'

'You could leave if you'd like'

'This won't last forever' all of a sudden, he felt free again. All those times, frolicking around the neighborhood, talking with his friends, giggling with Barnaby. So many wonderful memories resurfacing.

And it was all because of you. Ahh wonderful y/n. You were just the most. Why did he feel this way towards you? Were you his best friend?

But, Barnaby was his best friend. Maybe he was your best friend.

He always felt so warm when he was around you. Maybe, now that he was back at Home he could ask Barnaby about it.

Speaking of Barnaby, he still had to introduce you to the rest of the neighbors.

Even then, he hoped you would still talk to him as much.

Once again he could feel the presence. It wasn't as bad as it was before, but it was definitely lingering.

'Im back'

'I could tell'

~~~ 🍎 ~~~

1085 words

"That was looong, sorry it took so long to come out too. Summer break has ended and sadly I'll be bound to school for a few more years. Expect updates to happen once or twice a week from now on except for right now. The next update will be tomorrow, courtesy of hurricane Hillary giving me an extra day off (yes, fun fact: I live in LA). Oh, and a few chapters ago I refer to someone named Allen. That was just a made up name at the time and has been changed to "The Question Answerer," now, while I'd love to go on, this note is super long and I wouldn't want to stall your reading. As always vote, comment, follow, etc. it's great to hear from you guys!"


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