I like my privacy

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3 person POV

Y/n values her privacy, so her morning routine is designed to allow her some quiet time to collect her thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.
Y/n wakes up, not too early but not too late either, but early neither for the other Barbies to talk to her. She cherishes her beauty sleep and despises any early morning chaos. She spends a few moments lying in bed, contemplating her plans for the day, and savoring the eerie silence of the morning.
She them heads to her private study, a dimly lit room filled with old books and curiosities. She sits at her desk and writes in her journal, jotting down her twisted dreams and peculiar thoughts.

After some solitary reflection, Y/n gets ready for the day. She prefers a unique and gothic style, choosing her outfit carefully. Her wardrobe consists of dark dresses, eccentric accessories, and her signature braided pigtails. Being self-sufficient, she prepares her own breakfast. It's usually something simple, like black coffee or tea and a plate of toasted bread with a hint of irony.

Y/n's morning routine involves taking a stroll in the her's gloomy garden. She enjoys being surrounded by nature and observing the darker aspects of life. Sometimes, she'll even have conversations with the peculiar plants. As an independent soul, Y/n prefers not to rely on others for transportation. She takes her car makes her way to the local library. After delving into the vast collection of books on macabre tales, history, and occult practices.

As Y/n takes a solitary walk through the cemetery right beside her house, she feels a sense of peace and serenity amidst the tombstones and the whispering trees. The eerie atmosphere is her refuge, a place where she can be herself without judgment.
However, on this particular morning, as she's lost in her thoughts, she is unexpectedly interrupted by none other than Classic Barbie and Classic Ken. They seem unusually cheerful and bubbly, a sharp contrast to Y/n's dark and enigmatic demeanor.
Classic Barbie, with her bright smile and pink attire, skips over to Y/n and exclaims, "Hey, Y/n! Fancy seeing you here. We're having a picnic in the park nearby. Want to join us?"
Classic Ken chimes in, "Yeah, it's going to be so much fun! You should totally come."
Y/n, trying not to let her irritation show, politely declines, "Thank you for the invitation, but I prefer to have some quiet time alone in the cemetery. It's where I find inspiration for my art and writing."
Classic Barbie giggles, seemingly oblivious to Y/n's intentions, "Oh, that's so cute! You're so unique, Y/n. But you know, you should really come out more and socialize. It's good for the soul!"
Classic Ken nods in agreement, "Yeah, being with friends and having fun is what life's all about!"
Y/n smiles politely, not wanting to cause a scene, "I appreciate your concern, but I enjoy my solitude. It helps me stay focused and true to myself."
Classic Barbie looks a bit puzzled but shakes it off, "Alright then, suit yourself! But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find us!"

Y/n returns home, feeling relieved to be back in her private sanctuary. As she steps into her dimly lit study, the comfort and familiarity of her books and curiosities wrap around her like a warm embrace. She sits at her desk, takes out her journal, and starts jotting down the encounter she just had in the cemetery.
Reflecting on the interruption, Y/n realizes that while Classic Barbie and Classic Ken may not fully understand her need for solitude and the eerie atmosphere of the cemetery, they meant well in their own way. They genuinely wanted her to have fun and socialize because that's what they enjoy.
Feeling a little introspective, Y/n wonders if her preference for solitude and darkness might be alienating her from potential connections and experiences. She contemplates the idea of balancing her privacy with occasional interactions with others.
As the day passes, Y/n immerses herself in her own world, reading books, researching the macabre, and working on her artistic endeavors. The peacefulness and solitude allow her to delve deeper into her thoughts and feelings, channeling her emotions into her art and writing.
In the evening, Y/n takes another solitary walk through her gloomy garden, where the peculiar plants seem to welcome her back with their silent understanding. The tranquility of the garden helps her clear her mind and regain her sense of self.

As she returns to her house, Y/n finds a small black gift box left at her doorstep. Curious, she opens it and discovers a beautifully crafted black necklace with an intricate moon pendant. There's a note attached that reads, "For our enigmatic friend Y/n, from Classic Barbie and Classic Ken."
The unexpected gesture warms her heart, and Y/n realizes that even though they may have different interests and personalities, they respect her individuality and the unique way she experiences the world. The necklace becomes a cherished token of their friendship, a reminder that while they may not fully understand each other's worlds, they can still appreciate and support one another.

As the night falls, Y/n finds comfort in her dark and enigmatic haven, knowing that she can find solace in her solitude while also having friends who care about her well-being. And so, as she lies in bed, ready to rest and embrace her beauty sleep once more.

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