Chapter 4: At Flourish and Blotts

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"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."

"Right, guests first, Y/n, here you go," Mrs Weasley offered me a flowerpot full of dirty green powder.

"But Y/n and Harry have never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum," said Ron.

The Weasleys, my brother and I were standing in the living room, dressed for our trip to Diagon Alley.

"Floo powder?" Harry asked.

"Well, you go first, Ron, so they can see how it's done," said Mrs Weasley.

Ron nodded, grabbed a fist-full of the powder from the flowerpot, walked into the fire place and yelled, "Diagon Alley!"

A great roar of green fire emered from the ashes under Ron, covering him right after he threw the powder at his feet.

The fire stopped and Ron had disappeared.

I gulped and shoved Harry forward.

"In you go," said Mrs Weasley as Harry stepped into the fireplace. "Mind your head. Now take your Floo powder. That's it. Good boy. Now don't forget to speak very, very clearly."

Harry nodded and yelled, "Diagonally!" then threw his powder, disappearing into the Emerald flames.

I groaned and slapped a hand on my forehead.

"What did he say, dear?" Mrs Weasley asked her husband.


"I thought he did."

"Can I go next?" I asked.

"Yes, of course, dear" said Mrs Weasley.

I grabbed some of the powder and yelled, "Diagon Alley!" after stepping into the fire and releasing the dust in my hands. I had to close my eyes from the fire and ashes as I felt myself get lifted off my feet. Then came crashing down to the ground with so much force, my knees buckled and I and I collapsed.

"You okay?" came Ron's voice and I felt him pulling me up by my arm.

"I prefer broomsticks," I said, patting some dust off my clothes. "Where are we?"

"Diagon Alley."

"Yeah, no kidding." I looked around the place we were in. "Which store?"

"This is no store. Just a hall for fireplaces. For Floo powder travelers."

Percy had appered from the fireplace, much more graceful than me.

"I don't suppose Harry's here?" he asked and I shook my head. "Thought so."

"What happened?" Ron asked.

"Harry didn't speak clear enough," I answered. "He'll turn up, eventually."

Fred appeared next, followed by his twin, then Ginny, Mr Weasley then his wife.

"Don't worry, dear," Mrs Weasley told me, "we'll find your brother."

"I'm not worried."

Ron and I strode off as Fred and George bounded behind their dad, Ginny and Percy followed Mrs Weasley into Flourish and Blotts.

"Let's go to Magical Menagerie," I said. "I'm running low on cat food."

Ron had to practically drag me away from the Puffskeins' cage which were squeaking nonsense like "Happy Christmas" or "Hair brush!"

I could understand them! Oh, how I miss the feeling of listening to animal drama.

We paid for our cat, owl and rat food.

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