Chapter 14: The Very Secret Diary

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"Have you spoken to Hermione?" Pansy asked as we were walking down a flight of stairs.

The holidays have already ended and students have returned from Christmas break.

The snow on the castle grounds melted into bright green grass (No, not Greengrass, Merlin's beard).

"Yeah," I replied. "Madam Pomfrey says she should be out of the hospital in a few days, when she stops coughing up fur balls."

Pansy surprised a snicker. "It's quite funny to imagine. Especially when it's your fault."

"It's not my fault," I huffed. "It's Regulus'!"

"What did I do?"

Pansy and I spun towards the voice; Regulus and Enzo were right behind us, their schoolbags in their hands.

"I meant my cat."

"It's quite confusing." said Enzo.

"Everything is confusing to you," said Pansy.
"We'll be late for History of Magic," Regulus mentioned before an argument could break out.

|Time Skip| ~A few days later~

Harry waved for Pansy and I to follow him, Ron and Hermione. Well, he waved for me, but of course Pansy followed anyway.

"It was Hagrid," Harry said as soon as we walked towards the courtyard.

"What was Hagrid?" I asked. Hermione and Ron looked confused as well.

Harry started explaining about a secret diary that showed him what had happened during the last time the Chamber of Secrets had been opened. The owner of the diary had been the one who wrote to Harry through the pages of the book—

"Hang on," Pansy and I said at once. "Tom Riddle?"

Harry nodded. "Tom Marvolo Riddle. I know, it's odd. But do you at least know his middle name?"

He's talking about the Tom we know.

I shook my head. "But I can ask him later. The Tom you've wrote to must be a relative or something."

"Maybe they're the same person?" Ron said.

"No," said Harry. "The Diary Tom was there —here— fifty years ago. He looked about sixteen years old. Exactly like Tom —the young one— but older."

"He must be a relative then," said Hermione. "How did you see him, though?"

"A memory." And he went to explaining how the diary took him inside Tom's memory (Tom sr), and how he'd caught third-year-Hagrid while he let out a large creepy creature to lurk out in the school hallways at night.

"It was Hagrid," he repeated. "Hagrid apened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago."

"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be," said Hermione.

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle," Ron added. "He sounds like a dirty rotten snitch to me."

"The monster had killed somebody, Ron. What would any of us had done?" Harry asked.

"But Hagrid would never do such a thing," I said. "He'd never let a dangerous creature out to attack anyone."

"Yeah, but remember Norbert? Remember how Hagrid had babied him as if he was a little bunny rabbit?" said Pansy. "Maybe he was the one who let the monster out without knowing that it was the reason for the attacks."

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