Chapter 11: The Dueling Club

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"What sort of surname is Finch-Fletchley?"

"No, Regulus!"

I pulled my cat away from Millicent's robes that were lying on her bed. I dropped him on the floor. "Bad cat!" I said and Regulus strutted away, his tail swaying.

I turned to Millicent's robes. Hope she doesn't notice the cat fur, I thought and hurried out of the room for breakfast.

The trio had asked Pansy and I to meet them in the haunted girls' bathroom so they could start with the potion.

Harry had left the hospital wing this morning and explained everything to Ron and Hermione as I did to Pansy.

Dobby had admitted to Harry the night before that he was the one who hexed the Bludgers to... save our lives (Don't ask me how that works, I have no clue). He was the one who blocked the gateway to Platform 9 and 3/4.

Honestly that elf! If he doesn't stop trying to save us, he'd get us killed.

I decided that I shouldn't waste my time going to the bathroom since I wasn't even a part of the plan.

I plopped into the seat opposite Pansy and between Blaise and Enzo in the Great Hall, which is was better than sitting in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom (the ghost of a dead girl with a high pitched and an extremely annoying voice). I'd very much rather eat my omlet.

"You were with Creevey when he was attacked last night, right?" Theodore asked in a whisper.

"Pansy told us," said Regulus.

I nodded. "I was there."

"Did you see anything odd?" Blaise asked.

"I couldn't see anything at all as a matter of fact," I replied. "My eyes closed by themselves and I couldn't open them."

"That's... odd," said Enzo.

"Tell me about it." I started fidgeting with my necklace.

"You're nervous," Blaise stated.


"You always fidget with your pendant when you're nervous."

I stared at him.

"Oh, come off it. It's nothing personal. Theodore scratches his arse when he's uncomfortable."

"I do not!" Theodore pouted then started scratching his bum.

I laughed and looked down at my pendant. Wait — ew. Something deep red coloured was inside the carves.

Blood, I thought.

Mattheo's blood.


It must have splashed on my pendant when he waved his hand around and now the blood's all dried up.

I pulled the necklace off and dipped it into the closest water-filled goblet and pulled it out, then dried it off with my robes. I brought it close to my face. Blood free.


Enzo pushed his goblet away in disgust.


After a long day filled with whispers about Colin Creevey's attack, papers were pinned to the noticeboards around the school announcing that a Dueling Club will be started. First meeting tonight.

"I wouldn't mind dueling lessons, they might come in handy one of these days," said one Hufflepuff student.

"What you reckon Slytherin's monster can duel?" I said, but read the sign with intrest too. I turned to my friends. "Shall we go?"

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