Chapter 8: Enzo and Reggie

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"Your name is Regulus?"

Snape put everyone into pairs. Draco with Blaise. Tom with Goyle. Mattheo and Theodore. Pansy with Astoria (both girls shot glares at each other). Daphne with Crabbe. And me with a boy I know but never really talked to since he usually kept to himself throughout last years called Lorenzo Berkshire.

"Hello," I said once we took our places next to each other.

"Hi," he said.

We pulled our books and potion equipment out of our bags in awkward silence. He broke it off by asking, "Why do you reckon Snape put us together?"

I shrugged, "How am I supposed to know?"

"Well... he's your godfather, isn't he?"

"How do you know?"

"Most students do," he replied.

"Right," I said. "He probably forgot who my friends are."

"How did you become friends with them?"


"Nott, Zabini and Parkinson."

"Oh, we just sort of met, you know?"

He shook his head.

"We just introduced ourselves to one another."

"Oh," he said and we fell into silence while stirring our cauldron and following the next instruction.

"How come you don't have any friends?" I asked.

"It's not really a choice," he replied while adding the scales into our potion. "I don't go around saying, 'Hi, I'm Lorenzo.' and no one's done that to me either."

"Then..." I took a hold of his hand and shook it, "Hello, I'm Y/n Potter."

He blinked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Introducing myself. Now it's your turn."

"But you already know—"

My frown silenced him for a few moments. I could tell he's trying to say something without feeling awkward.

"Er- Hello, Y/n Potter, I'm Lorenzo Berkshire."

"Nice to meet you, Lorenzo. You could just call me by my first name."

He chuckled. "And you could just call me Enzo."

We were both grinning goofily as Snape walked towards us.

"Is there something distracting the both of you from the lesson?" he asked.

"No, Professor," we said at the same time.

"We're half way done," said Enzo.

"And look," I pointed at our cauldron, "The potion is the perfect shade!"

Snape nodded.

"It is the correct shade, yes. Ten points to both of you." And he strode off to bully Harry.

"Lucky you're his goddaughter," Enzo whispered.

"Lucky we're in Slytherin," I added.

We both giggled quietly and continued with our potion.


I was explaining a prank to Theodore the next day. "And here's the dungbomb." I handed it to him.

"So... am I supposed to be inside Filch's office when I throw it?" he asked stupidly.

"Only if you want to take a whiff out of it," I said.

"Y/n! Hey!"

I turned to find Enzo hurrying towards me.

"Hi, Enzo!"

"I should get going," said Theodore and he skipped away with the dungbomb in his hands.

"Careful!" I called. "Don't drop it!"

Enzo was now standing right in front of me with a happy expression on his face.

"Guess what happened?" he asked excitedly.

"Tom got eaten by the giant squid?"

"Take another guess."

"Then Mattheo."

"No- why would he eat his own brother?"

The fucking idiot.

"You know what? I'll just show you." He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the library. "Look!" he whisper-yelled, pointing at a boy sitting in the corner. He had black hair and his grey eyes looked up from his book and blinked.

I turned to Enzo confused.

"I made a new friend! Y/n, meet Regulus Black. I met him yestereday. I followed your instructions. Reggie, this is Y/n Potter."

"I know," he said.

"Your name is Regulus?" I asked in surprise.

He nodded. "Like my uncle."

"And my cat," I said. "He's a black cat."

"Why did you name him Regulus?" Enzo asked.

"Like the star," I replied, "It means lion, and lions are wild cats."

Regulus smiled. "I feel honoured." Then he went back to reading.

I looked at the cover of his book. Instead of being an educating book, the title read 101 Ways to Smuggle Cursed Items to School.

"Nice book," I said. "Where'd you get it?"

"My dad wrote it when he was at school," he answered. "I've already read it a couple of times. I could lend it to you if you'd like."

I grinned while nodding. "Oooh~ I'd like that!"

Enzo pulled a book out of his school bag that was titled The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

"I heard you were raised by muggles," he said and I nodded. "Good. Now, sit down and let me read you a couple of bedtime stories."

I sat on the seat across Regulus and Enzo sat beside me.
"How come you're carrying that book in your schoolbag?" Regulus asked.

Enzo opened his mouth and shut it again, not finding an answer.

Regulus and I chuckled.

"Oh, shut up, you two," he said and flipped the book to the first page.


The day went fine. Felix Rosier, the Slytherin prefect, had come up to me as I was about to head to my dorm.
"Professor Shape asked me to inform you that you'll be serving detention with him in his office tomorrow at seven," he said. "You'll be cleaning the pots and cauldrons without magic."

I sighed. "Right. Thanks, Felix".

"Hey, don't look so grim. Your brother's having detention with Lockhart and Weasley's going to scrub all the trophies in the trophy room on Filch's watch. He's not allowed to use magic either." He smiled sympathetically. "Professor Lackhart had asked for you as well but Snape didn't agree." He turned and walked away.

Pansy was waiting for me a few steps away. "Detention with Snape, eh?" she asked once I walked towards her.

"Lucky, aren't I?" I grinned.

She shook her head. "You're the only one who could find such a thing to be lucky. Let's just call this a day."

I nodded and we both headed to our dorm room.

A/n: Plz vote!

Also Regulus is Sirius Black's son. I do not own Enzo. Credit goes to @babynaomi on Wattpad

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