Chapter 12: Allies (For Now)

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"You were ordering the snake to eat Justin!"

Harry didn't find it cool at all. He fretted about this all day. "But Im in Gryffindor!" He panicked. "You're the one in Slytherin!"

We were walking down a corridor together. Like brother and sister, but I was starting to regret my decision.

"Merlin's beard, Harry!" I snapped. "Why do you hate Slytherin house so much?"

"I... don't."

"Yeah, right. You hate everything and everyone in it!"

"Not everyone."

"..." I gasped then whisper-yelled at him, "You have secret crush on Draco?!"

"What?! Ew — no! Gross! I meant — you know what? Forget it!" He stomped away shaking his head in disapproval.


"They think she's the heir of Slytherin?" I heard Astoria snicker to her cousin.

"She's not even a pure-blood," Daphne replied.

"Your blood didn't look so pure when it covered your bed and clothes! Ever heard of pads?" I snapped.

Her face flushed red.

Astoria took a step forward while pointing her wand at me. "Don't you — How dare you talk to my cousin that way!"

Daphne pulled her wand out too. "You filthy half-blood! Expelliarmus!"

Му wand flew out of my hand and into hers.

"What are you gonna do without this now, Potter?" Astoria sneered. "Already feeling weak, aren't we?"

"I'll just have to sort you out the muggle ways." I clenched my teeth. Anger bubbled up inside me.

I didn't give them a chance to react, I lunged at them like a wild animal.

They fell to to the ground with me on top of them, pulling their hair and punching them as they shrieked in horror.

I snatched my wand away from their hands, but before I could hex them, two voices called. "Y/n Potter!"

Percy and Felix were storming towards us.

"Help us!" Daphne called.

"She's a psychopath!" Astoria screamed.

You'd better believe that, bitch.

"It's self-defence!" I yelled. "They started it!"

"Y/n, you could get expelled—" Percy started but was interrupted by Mattheo's voice.

"Well deal with her!" He yelled as he and Tom grabbed each of my arms and pulled me off the girls, dragging me away from the corridor.

"We're taking her to Professor Snape!" Tom called.

"Let go off me!" I snapped at them. "That's not even the way to Snape's office!"

"Shut up, idiot. You'll get us caught!" Mattheo hissed.

The Riddle twins frog-marched me inte into an empty classroom, then shoved me onto an empty chair.

"We know what you said," said Tom.

"To the snake, he means," said Mattheo.

"Er- so?"

"We're Parselmouths too."

"I don't care."

"Our father was a Parselmouth."

"I still don't care."

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