Chapter Two

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It's Monday. I'm walking to my second class of the day. English 101. When I reach the room, I take my seat in the back. A couple of my friends tried to call me over, but I'm not in the mood for socializing. That's why I shook my head and sat where I am.

A few minutes before class starts, I'm lying on my arm, waiting for it to begin. Someone sits next to me, but I pay no attention.

"Hey," the person next to me says.

I quickly sit up straight. I know that voice.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Virgil.

"I'm in this class," he says.

"Not what I meant," I say and lean on my arm again.

"Just thought I'd say hi. Is there a problem? I can move," he says.

I sigh but shake my head.

"You're fine," I say and sit up.

"What are you working towards? What's your plan for after college?" Virgil asks me out of seemingly nowhere.

"I'm gonna work at my family's company," I tell him.

"Nice," he says.

"You?" I ask to be polite.

"I'm gonna be an engineer," he says.

I look at him.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, really. Do I not look like it?" He asks with amusement.

"I just assumed you'd be doing something to do with music. You have the talent," I tell him.

"That's right. You said my voice was heavenly," he says with a teasing smile.

"Are you ever gonna let me live that down?" I ask, embarrassed but mostly amused.

"Not really, no," he says, smiling.

I laugh lightly.

"Anyways, I love singing, but I want something to fall back on, you know?" He says.

"Makes sense. If you do ever become famous, though, don't forget the little people," I say, smiling.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he says.

The professor walks in. She starts teaching, so I make myself pay attention. I need to pass general education classes before I can start the classes I want to take.

After class, I gather my stuff and get ready to leave.

"So, who do you plan on doing your presentation with?" Virgil asks me.

He's speaking of the assignment that we were just given.

"Not sure, but I'll need two more people," I say as I walk towards the exit.

"Do you want to join my group? My friend and I just happen to need someone," he asks.

"We just got this assignment, and you already have a partner?" I ask in return.

"Yeah. I'll doubt he'll find anyone else. He can be a handle at times," he says and looks around.

"Remus!" He finally calls out.

I look where he's looking to see a guy pushing through the crowd.

"This is Remus. You might remember him from last Friday. He plays the bass guitar in our band," Virgil says as the guy approaches.

"There you are, Virgil. What the fuck? Why didn't you sit in our usual spot? You left me all alone," Remus says.

"I decided to sit somewhere else," Virgil says.

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