Chapter Five

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Four months go by. Virgil and I officially started dating three months ago.

"Oh yeah! I am awesome!" Virgil says when he beats me in Mortal Kombat.

I chuckle and shake my head with amusement. I'm currently with him in his apartment.

"That's three wins for me and two for you. I'm thirsty. Want a soda?" he asks me.

I nod, so he stands up from the couch. When he comes back, he hands me a soda with a smile.

"When are you planning on leaving?" he asks me.

I check my phone. It's Thursday, so I've pretty much got the day free. I came over here about three hours ago. It's currently around 5:30 pm.

"I'm free all day, so the question should be, when do you want me to go?" I tell him.

"That won't work. If it's up to me, you'll be here all night," he says.

I laugh lightly. I love how honest he is.

"I could live with that," I tell him.

He immediately looks at me. I smile and lean over to kiss him softly. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls it deeper. When I pull back, he whines slightly. I grin before leaving kisses all over his face. He laughs happily.

"So, do you want to spend the night then?" he asks hopefully.

"Sure," I say, smiling.

I don't have class till noon tomorrow, so I'll have time to head back to my dorm to shower and change. He returns the smile and kisses me once again.

"I'll order some food," he says.

I nod and pull back so he can get his phone. This will be the first time I've stayed at his place. I make sure to text Patton so he doesn't worry. Virgil makes an order on his phone before we settle in to watch a movie. It doesn't take long for our food to arrive. When it does, we go back to watching the movie while eating.

When it gets to be around 9:30 pm, we decide to go lay down in his room. He gives me a toothbrush, and we brush our teeth first.

After lying down, we talk for a few minutes until I decide I want to kiss him. So I do. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull him close. He deepens our kiss. After a minute, our kisses get a bit more needy. I don't want to do anything, but I also don't want to stop kissing him. Virgil's hand goes slightly under my shirt. It's then I come back to myself, and immediately I pull back from our heated kiss.

"I can't," I tell him.

"I'm sorry," he says.

I turn to sit on the edge of my bed.

"You don't need to apologize. It's not you. It's just...." I start but trail off.

"Just what?" He asks, moving to sit next to me.

He doesn't sound upset. I glance at him to see him just waiting for my answer.

"I know you're not him. I know that. It's just the last person I gave myself to just used me and threw me away," I say just loud enough he can hear me.

Instead of leaving or getting upset like I somewhat expected he would, he simply grabs my hand.

"I understand. I'll respect your choice," He says.

"You're not.. upset..?" I ask.

"No. Why would I be?" he asks in response.

"You'll leave... Maybe not today, but eventually, you'll leave," I say instead of answering.

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