Chapter Four

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I'm currently in my dorm, watching videos on my laptop. Patton is at his desk working on some of his schoolwork. I'm waiting for Virgil to text me that he's home. I'm excited about our date. Both because it is our first and also because it has been a while since I've been to the diner I'm taking him to. Almost four years.

The reason is that every time I tried to take Andy, he would say no. That he already had plans for us. Eventually, I stopped trying. I hope Virgil enjoys it. It's been my favorite place to eat since I was little, and my parents took me for the first time.

"Do you think Ms. Adley is still running it?" I ask Patton.

He knows the diner cause he used to live in the same town. We were even in the same high school.

"She is," he says.

I look up from my laptop.

"Have you gone recently?" I ask.

"I took Logan there a couple of days ago," he responds.

"Oh. Did you guys have fun?" I ask.

"We did. Once he had one of Ms. Adley's milkshakes, he said it was the best he'd ever had. Ms. Aldley was sweet as always, too," he says, smiling.

"That's good," I say.

"Fair warning. She was really huggy when she saw me. I can only imagine how she'll act when she sees you," Patton says with a chuckle.

"I won't mind. I've missed her," I say with a smile.

Just then, my phone goes off. I've got a message. I grab my phone and smile when I see that it's Virgil.

"I'll see you later, Patton," I say, closing my laptop and standing up.

"Have fun, Roman," he says.

I nod and leave my dorm.

"Hey, man. Are you down to play some basketball?" a guy that lives in my dorm asks.

His name is Jeremy.

"Sorry, man. Got a date," I say with an apologetic smile.

"Ah. No worries. Another time?" he says.

"Definitely," I tell him.

"Have fun, Roman!" he calls after me.

"Thanks!" I call back.

I make it out to the parking lot and climb in my car. I turn on the radio on low and pull out.

I reach his apartment a minute later. Unsure where to park, I simply text him and tell him I'm outside. I make sure to tell him what my car looks like.

He comes out a minute later, smiling when he sees me. His smile is breathtaking. After walking around the car, he climbs in.

"Hey, Roman," he says.

"Hey," I say and pull out of the parking lot.

"So what's this place like? Why is it your favorite?" he asks.

"It's a diner just like any other, but what makes it my favorite is that not only is their food great, but their milkshakes are amazing. That and the owner is the sweetest person you will ever meet," I tell him.

"So do you go often?" he asks.

"Actually, it's been a while. I'm not sure why because I love that place," I say.

It's almost the truth. I don't know why I haven't gone in four years. Just because Andy didn't want to go doesn't mean I had to stop. I immediately push any thoughts about Andy out of my head and focus on Virgil.

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