Chapter 7: This Dragon Plants Trees Part 2

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Chapter Summary

[Game of Thrones One Shot]

009 and Aegorax leave Valyria to go exploring. Coming across slavers and being reminded of the Lab, she gets rid of them, saving a bunch of people in the process. 

Disclaimer: I do not own A Song of Ice and Fire or anything related to it. 


Flying on the back of a dragon was the best thing in the world.

And even better? Neither I nor Aegorax would ever get tired since my Biokinesis heals up any fatigue and negates any discomfort from flying too long. The benefits of not being a normal human.

009 and Aegorax had left the shithole that was once Valyria behind and decided to just fly wherever they wanted. And with no map to help them, it kind of was the only the thing to do since they had no clue on where to go. Except for one clear rule:

No going to Westeros.

Fuck that place. I don't even know which Era I'm in. Could be the Dance of Dragons, Game of Thrones, Aegon's Conquest or even worse......during King Bran the Broken's rule. Hell no. I may not know where I'm going but I do know that the Narrow Sea is in between Essos and Westeros. So, all I have to do is pay attention and not cross over like an idiot. Either that or look out for the shit smell of Kings Landing.

Both 009 and Aegorax wrinkled their noses in disgust, the bond allowing them to share 009's thoughts on how bad the Andal-infested city would probably smell. Gross.

Shaking away that nasty thought, 009 once again savoured the feeling of flying, the sun on their backs, and was amused as a passing flock of birds squawked away from them in panic.

She giggled as Aegorax gave them the side-eye with his left head, the middle head focusing on flying and the right rolling his eyes at the dumb birds.

She felt him contemplate on eating them, but didn't bother since he was still full from eating all those Firewyrms in Valyria.

009 herself wasn't hungry. With the sunlight boosting her power, which erased her hunger, and after finishing all her donuts, she wasn't in any need of food right now.

Watching the fluffy clouds pass by, 009 thought over on what to do.

I need a place to stay. But I need a map. Like Hell am I staying in a slave-obsessed area or in ugly-ass Valyria. Or could I? My powers may be able to heal some of the land and clear the air. The predators aren't a problem. Aegorax could eat them or I could just kill them. But is that my best option? What if there's a better place for me? Hmmm....guess that means I need to get a map. Somehow. I don't have any money. Should I steal one? But from where?

009 glanced down as she thought, her superior eyesight allowing her to see the ground more clearly even from up here. Her gaze landed on some ships which appeared to be docked on a small island. Pushing more power into her eyes, she saw some brutes tying up groups of women, children and even some men, dragging them towards the ships.

Slavers. Great. Does that mean I'm near Slavers Bay? Is this before Daenerys's reign? I should leave. I just got rid of my own masters (the Lab), I don't want new ones. Not that Aegorax would allow it. Nor would I. The slave masters here can't do anything against me unlike the Lab.

Her grip on the saddle tightened when saw one of the bastards backhand a little girl who was sobbing hysterically. Another girl was punched in the face for trying to protect her.

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