Chapter 19: Gods Among Men

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Chapter 19 Summary

[ Game of Thrones One Shot ]

Who said you needed to be royalty to be someone important? To be powerful?

In most stories, you see someone being miraculously reborn as a Targaryen, Stark, Martell or even a Lannister. They're either the heir or a part of a noble family.

Always a trueborn. Always born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Some are even given ridiculous titles - such as a person born half Stark and half Targaryen being called a child of Ice and Fire.

But that is not the case in this tale.


009 is suddenly transmigrated into the body of some random Valyrian slave girl in Lys.

008 wakes up in the body of a slave in Lys who is descended from both the Rhoynar and the Valyrians.

006 wakes up in a similar fashion, but is in the body of a slave girl with the Blood of the First Men and Blood of the Dragon.

All 3 have entered the Game of Thrones as no name slave girls.

Let's see what the 3 Lab experiments do in a world where they are practically Gods among men.


WARNING: Overpowered Original Characters. Don't like? The don't read.

● Got sick & tired of reading about OC'S with the "perfect" royal blood so they are "obviously" destined for greatness. Why them? And only them? Power is what matters. Who said being royalty was the only way?

● This is a mix of the show & the books (mostly the show)

● I'm not a God, nor do I have perfect memory so please excuse mistakes made on character ages, certain events or whatever. This was made for FUN - not absolute accuracy.

● Not Andal friendly
● Not Westeros friendly
● Not Faith of the Seven friendly
● Not Maestor friendly
(Can you see a theme? Lol)

~ |☆| Royal Titles Explanation |☆| ~

{ High Queen }
• A Queen who holds a position of importance, authority & seniority above other queens. Title given to 008 due to her ambition to rule & because 009 & 006 hate ruling so they were happy to dump most of the work on 008.

{ Unburnt }
• 009 is called this due to her Biokinesis making her unable to burn. This title is shared with 008 who she used her powers on to also make her immune to flames. 006 has fire powers so flames do nothing to her.

{ Daughter of the First Flame}
• The "First Flame" is what the magic users of Planetos call the Sun. The followers of the Red God call 009 and 006 this due to their ability to absorb sunlight & amp up their own powers.

{ Breaker of Chains }
• 009 gets called this since she was the first one to start the crusade against the Slavers.

{ Mother of Dragons }
• 009’s Biokinesis allows her to hatch any old fossilised dragon egg easily. She could even resurrect old dragons if she has pieces of their DNA. She is the literal mother of dragons.

{ Queen of the Harvest}
• Inspired by the Greek Goddess Demeter who is called the Goddess of the Harvest. It fits 009.

{ Right Hand & Left Hand }
• Similar to Westeros except there are 2 Hands instead of one.

{ White Dragon }
• 009 is called this due to the white dragon she rides.

{ Sunfyre }
• Not related to Aegon the Usurper's dragon. Just like Daenerys is called "Stormborn", 006 has "Sunfyre" attached to her name due to the way her fire powers make her appear like a human Sun.

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