Chapter 18: The Villainess Doesn't Give A Damn

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Chapter 18 Summary

009 is transmigrated into the body of a stereotypical villainess in some cliché romance novel.

009 awakens in body of Carissa Covington, the antagonist of the very cheesy romance novel called 'My Pure Love'.

She is the twin sister of the female protagonist Caitlin Covington, who Carissa always bullied and betitled due to misplaced jealousy. Carissa hated Caitlin because their father favoured her and because she was more naturally likable compared to Carissa, who was spoiled and arrogant. The jealousy becomes worse as the main male protagonist and Carissa's crush, Peter Knightly, is besotted by Caitlin. Almost all male characters are attracted to Caitlin because of her "purity" and "goodness". Carissa is mostly ignored due to her bad attitude which gets worse as her sister gets more popular.

Ugh! Hell no! 009 is so NOT going through this. She'd rather get tortured than continue living as Carissa!

So, it's no surprise when she completely ditches the plot and gets the fuck out of there. There was no Lab in this world so 009 intended to live the life she wants - A peaceful one. Maybe travel the world?

But why were the love interests now following her around like ducklings?


* I've seen this overused trope SO many times on Wattpad that I practically know the plot by heart.

* I like those Villainess Transmigration stories but they ALWAYS leave me unsatisfied with the main character! Why is the new villainess ALWAYS taking shit from everyone AND never improving themselves?! They let themselves get abused by the male leads and let everyone & their grandma walk all over them! WHY?!

* ALSO - Has anyone else noticed that it takes the main character a million chapters before they actually make a move and stray from the Canon plot? Or is that just me? I like it when authors make the story their own & not follow canon religiously.

* Yes - 009 still has her Biokinesis.

* Might continue this or might not. Depends on my mood.

Disclaimer: "My Pure Love" isn't a real romance novel (not that I know of) but the cheesy plot doesn't belong to me since it's been overdone infinite times by other authors.


"Carissa? Are you alright?" 009 heard a soft voice ask.

Her head was pounding and her eyelids refused to open. She felt dazed and could only vaguely hear the random voices around her.

"Just leave her, Cate." A deep voice advised the other gently but firmly. They then scoffed. "She's probably just faking it for attention. Again."

At that, 009 felt strength return to her, eyes snapping open immediately.

One of the things she hated most in the world was when some random asshole decides to hate her existence for absolutely no good reason.

If I'm gonna be hated then at least hate me for something I actually did! I don't even know where I am!

Through the power of pure spite alone, 009 ignored her killer migraine and immediately took in her odd situation as soon she opened her eyes.

With the way she was in an awkward position on the floor, right next to the bottom of a staircase and how her body was slightly aching in several places, it wasn't hard to guess what had happened.

She had obviously fallen down the stairs.

Or pushed, 009 thought in suspicion.

As she was shakily getting up off the floor, one of the two strangers standing near her scoffed in disgust.

"See, Cate? She's fine." The brown haired man sneered at 009.

The petite girl with brown hair next to him frowned in worry. "But Peter! What if - ?"

"But nothing!" The man named Peter reassured her with a soft smile and then glared at 009. "You know how Carissa is. Always the diva! An overdramatic bitch - "

"Peter!" The girl called Cate scolded delicately.

"Do you want to die?"

Peter and Cate both froze at the sudden deadliness radiating from the usual bratty Carissa. Her normally whiny voice was soft and quiet. It would've been lovely......if it wasn't laced with silent fury.

Cate quickly snapped out of her surprise, looking back at her sister with a stern glare.

"Carissa! That is no way to behave! Apologise!"

"Apologise? Her?!" Peter laughed sarcastically. "I doubt she even knows what that word means!"

"Peter! You are not helping!" Cate hissed, feeling uneasy at the look in her sister's eyes.

Had Carissa's eyes always looked that bright?

"What? I'm not wrong though! She - "

009 has had enough.

She'd dealt with years of torture at the Lab and bullying from her fellow Lab experiments (besides her sisters).

She would not stand here and be ridiculed by these two random bastards.

The sleeves on her fancy dress were ripped open as she turned her arms into large, green vine tentacles.

Cate's screams were cut off as 009 quickly wrapped one of the vines around her neck, lifted her off the ground and squeezed her throat.

"ACK!" The same was done to Peter with her other vine arm, making him splutter in pain like Cate.

009 smirked at the man, her bright green eyes shining with a rarely seen cruelty.

(008 never told her, but 009 was a lot like 001 whenever she gave in to her cruel side.)

"Looks like your my bitch now."

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