Chapter 17: Sunbloom

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Chapter 17 Summary

[Twilight One Shot]

009 reborn as Renesmee's twin sister.

Bella never got her little green-eyed boy, EJ. Instead, she gets two gorgeous little girls.

Renesmee - Her little girl who had her father's bronze coloured hair and Bella's own chocolate brown eyes. The same eyes as her grandfather, Charlie.

Carlie - The child she never thought she'd had until her birth. Her wonderful surprise. Bella had been delighted to find that she had inherited Edward's green eyes back when he was human. Elizabeth Masen's eyes. She had the same dark brown hair as Bella and Charlie did.


* Got back into the Twilight fandom & decided to dump 009 here as the twin of the miracle child with an unfortunate name. Poor Renesmee. I've seen better names on the online fantasy name generators. At least 009 got the normal name. It even resembles her original one! (Carys).

* 009 still has her Biokinesis

* Edward can't read 009's mind so her secrets are safe. There's a good reason for this that I'll reveal later when I can.

* In case you didn't know - The name "Carlie" is a combination of the names "Charlie" and "Carlisle". She's named after the Dad's and Renesmee's named after the Mum's.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.



"What's happening, Edward?!"

"He's suffocating!"

A woman shrieked, sounding desperate and determined.

"Get him OUT!" The woman screamed. "He can't BREATHE! Do it NOW!"


"H-Her spine," A male voice choked in horror.

"Get it out of her!" Another male voice snarled. "She won't feel anything now!"

009 felt something nudge her from the side and frowned in irritation, eyes still stubbornly closed.

This dream was getting really bothersome.

As she was about to nudge back, 009 heard a loud tearing sound and flinched. What the Hell was that?! Her ears! Her poor ears!

And who the Hell was that squished up next to her?

This had to be some kind of nightmare or something.

Then a bright light was annoyingly shinning down on her face. 009 glared up at it, ready to attack whoever it was. Screw the consequences!

.....Only to stare up in astonishment at the face of some giant pale man with messy bronze-coloured hair.

What the fuck?!

009 was frozen in shock as the giant pale man reached in and grabbed the stranger at her side.

She stared at the giant man, face blank as the stranger was taken out and lifted away.

"Renesmee," The pale man whispered, holding onto the small, bloody body.


009 blinked, feeling beyond bewildered and numb in shock.

That's who was squished up against her.

A baby.

A bloody baby.

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