questions page/attributes page!

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so  far in the story they ARE TOGETHER :D


-tsundere (ofc)

-small boi (5'7'', i edited because i am braincell now :0)

-has ptsd and originally just wanted smg4 to notice and remember him from meme school, but faked being evil once he was caught plagerizing videos, and he slowly grew to hate smg4.

more to add


-acts dumb because hes insecure about if people would reject him for being naturally gifted

-super flirty

-actually can cook really well (taught by bowser- dont judge me)\

-hides his crushes because he doesnt want to believe hes gay and poly


tall boi (not like saiko but like, tari hight.)

super funny


has ptsd from the 'its gotta be perfect incedent.'

now i need ur asks!!!!! otherwise i cant write this. SO ASK AWAY! questions to any charector welcome!

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