*three holds up his phone*

3: doesnt seem like i can get a signal here anyways... guess thats why its called offline.

4: that makes sense... but how did we not notice this before?

3: its a giant router, there have been more concerning things.

*They both make their way to the box, finally seperating from each other, and 3 places a hand on it*

3: yeah... its warm..

4: what does that have to do with anything?

3: i dont know! I have cold hands ok!

4: your wearing gloves idiot.

3: so?

*4 ignores 3, and begins to try and find a way in, ignoring the very obvious door right beside them*

3: 4...

4: not right now! 

3: *sigh* alright.

*three goes into the door, too tired to give a crap.*

4: i almost got it 3!

3: 4, you need to see this.

4: what?- oh thats what you wanted to show me..

3: yeah... its weird in here, just... empty.

4: so the whole thing is a gimmick? a joke?

3: seems like something you would do honestly...

*they both make their ways further inside, keeping an eye out for anything odd*


???: not this again..

???: ROc0.. can you tell me who the intruders are?

???: as if i dont already know..

ROc0: well.. it appears to be S.M.G-3 and S.M.G-4. shall i send them back online?

???: no, dont bother, its about time i reintroduced myself.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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