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4: ok... i think im ready, do you got everything 3?

3: im bringing my phone in case the blog gets... 

*He pauses, staring at the screen*

3: i forgot about the name... after we all got together i changed it... 

4: oh 3....

3: yeah.. im changing it..

4: its ok...

3:no, its really not..

2: when you two are ready, all you need to do is wait until the next time the world goes offline. Me and 1 will be here in the online, when you get back we will be right here.

3: alright...

4: no quips? no sarcasm? this is really getting to you man.

3: something in the world is breaking, of course im a bit upset.

*as the two chat, a buzzing noise begins, and the world goes monochrome, leaving the two smgs alone, everyone else frozen and greyscale.*

3: you think this is what they meant?

4: do you really want to wait and ask?

*they both turn to face the most static filled part of this new, yet familiar grey world, at a box they could swear was not there before, on top of a mountain in the distance*

3: its always a mountain.... it always has to be some big adventure.

4: we can just... you know, use meme powers and make a bridge... we have done it before.

me: but that ruins th-

3: great idea 4.. for once.

4: awww.. i love you too 3 <3

*The two link hands, and focus, sweat dripping from effort, as a long grey bridge begins to form*

4: this isnt usually how it happens...

3: its been a while since we had to focus this hard... not even wotfi was this hard.

4: just keep focusing, we have the power of memes and plot on our side.

*They make their way up the bridge, hands still entwined, and eventually get to the top, viewing the box, which is covered in many numbers and symbols*

3: that cannot be what i think it is.

4: i think your right.

3 and 4: is that a router?

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