Its beginning to look a lot like mario~

78 2 3

note: this chapter isnt in the video/audio format! all these things are live! like an actual episode.


also another note!: this is still going to be called 'ask polyg43, but the direction im taking this in so far has this if you didnt notice.

-'mario' is no longer in their relationship, due to wotfi 2023.

-'mario' does not recall ever being in a relationship with them. 

-blah blah boring boring im stupid lol


???: i did it... i guess i can have my cake and eat it...

*they laugh*

???: though it does feel... different.. being not myself..

*he clicks a lamp on and gazes into his reflection, showing a pale, light red clothed version of smg4, at least in basic appearance*

???: i can afford a machine to change the universe but cant afford my own design...

*he adjusts the cap on his head*

???: what do i even call myself now...

*he sighs* 

???: whatever they come up with i guess..


4: alright, so... another smg then?

2: i said gaurdian, not smg.. this feels different.

1: what they mean is that this is wrong. and i think i might have an idea at whats going on.

1: you see, if you look at the world around you, you can see lots of people in the light, right?

4: is this a lion king refrence?


1: no... i mean that this is the online world.. everything here needs to be online in order to work.

1: you probably dont even notice when we are not online, because everyone defaults to going into a sleep for that time. you wake up and... who knows, at any point in time we could have gone offline.

4: sounds efficient to not have to wait.

1: yes... but then there is the option we gaurdians have to go into the offline.

4: wait..

mario: i think i get it!

1, 2, 3: really?!

mario: smgs can go..... INTO THE UNKNOWNNNNNNNNNNNN

4: godammit mario.

2: hes kind of right.. when we are online we can switch it so that we are aware and alert during the offline times. its never needed to be used due to nothing really happening in the offline. But with the strange activity we need to go in.

3: *he looks a bit nervous* but... wouldnt it be safer to send one of the duos in.. so that we have back up gaurdians here?

2: that does sound safer... but if any two went in it would need to be you two baseline. Your the home gaurdians here.

1: and we would also go, but someone has to stay here just in case.

3: that means


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