ask polyg43

192 5 3



 question from eddiemia: Smg4 and smg3, do you get jealous when mario talks to a new girl.

smg4: why do you think we didnt save peach.

smg3: because she kinda sucked?

smg4: you need to get past that.

mario: -backflips into the room- I HEARD PASTA

smg4: oh my god mario.

a dinging noise is heard on the computer

as smg4 and mario argue smg3 turns to look at the screen.

question from andromedastaans: smg4 who do you like better smg3 or mario?

smg3: holy shit obviously he likes mario. 

he sighs, 

smg3: not that i care about that baka or anything, i just know he likes mario better.

smg4: turns when he hears smg3--

smg4: wait, another question?

smg3 nods, trying not to looks hurt at the answer he knew was going to be given

smg4: how am i even supposed to decide? --he glances at a hopeful smg3, and turns to hug him.--

smg4: i go to one for food and i go to the other for drama, wait make that i go to both for drama and one for emo-ness.

smg3: let me go you BAKA.

smg4: looks to mario--

mario: --nods--

they both squish smg3 in a big hug. the screams are heard for miles and the boys are chased out of the new castle.

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