Before wotfi 2023 planning

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(takes place before the planning)

(there is a noise of a camera being set up, and and both smg3 and smg4 fade into view, both has tear stained cheeks, but smg3 is worse)

smg4: hey... we thought we'd do things differently this time..

smg3: ..

smg4: we got a lot of questions about what happened yesterday..

smg4: its been rough thats for sure.

smg4: just to update you all, we did get together.. things have been going so fast though.. and with mario stealing... and whoring around with marty of all things...

(smg3 leans on smg4s shoulder, he feels betrayed.)

smg4: well... the truth is.. we did all get together, it was amazing, and everything was fresh and fun and...

(he sighs loudly, and wipes his eyes)

smg4: and then he broke both of our trust, and he'd probably do it again in a heartbeat.

smg3: (shaky) there are some very embaressing things there about all three of us... especially me..

smg4: 3? if you dont want to do this i can do this alone..

smg3: no, im not leaving you alone, you know what happens when i leave you alone. 

(smg3 nuzzles smg4 softly, and smg4 chuckles without any happyness) 

smg4: we are still recording dumbass!

smg3: who cares, 'ts not like anyone will see this.

smg4: your right...

(smg4 sighs, and runs a hand through his hair)

smg4: im probably going to scrap this whole audio... i dont see the  point of this right now.

(smg4 reaches for the camera, and it clicks off)


hey guys! new format! video entries!!! got this idea from OUT OF NOWHERE LMAO

im sorry i havent updated! but im sleep all the time :P

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