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Aravind was on the basketball court, stretching and getting ready for the match practice

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Aravind was on the basketball court, stretching and getting ready for the match practice.
His messy hair was pulled back by a black band which went well with the navy blue jersey he wore.

His face wet due to the sweat, smashing a good amount of water in his face he turned around the court and found his Pringles sitting on the stairs watching him play with a smile on her face.
And he immediately smiled at her waving his hands like a kid who found his mother after a long school day.

The coach blew the whistle and within a few minutes the game started, aravind went and took a corner three-point shot but the opposition team got injured and the match got a break.

Soon! His teammates passed him a water bottle and Aravind took slow sips watching Aditi walk out of the court

"Hey Aditi" he yelled jogging towards her where she stood on the other side of the court!
A basketball court fence was in between them and Aditi looked at him, He put his hand on the fence and Aditi placed her hands on his through the fence.

His finger brushed hers making her cheeks get the lightest shade of red.

"Your teammates are watching and waiting" Aditi said

Aravind chuckled, entwining his finger with her through the fence

"Eh... don't worry about them," he said

It felt new to both! Aditi had always stayed in his match but now that she was his girlfriend something warm ran down her veins and her eyes glowed in different shades of happiness.

And for Aravind! He had her! He did win her heart and it felt like winning twenty matches all at once.

"Right! I need to leave" Aditi said and the grip on her fingers went tight

"No, don't... please." He said looking at her with puppy dog eyes.
He didn't want her to leave, it felt good when he turned around in the match randomly and saw her sitting and cheering for him.

Aditi chuckled and felt his thumb slowly rubbing her hands.

"I would love to stay! But I have dance practice" Aditi said with a pout

"After that, then?"He asked looking at her with a smile, and continued rubbing his thumb on her hand.

"Pick me up at 8 pm!" She said

Aravind smiled even bigger and nodded at her letting go of her hand

"Of course, I will, my Pringles," he said as he bowed and walked backwards to his teammates. Still looking and smiling at her

"Gosh! You both are worse than teenagers!" Said a disgusted Keerthana who had carried Aditi's backpack

"You know you don't have to carry my bag," Aditi said as she grabbed her bag from her

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