The Rain

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It had been raining non-stop in Konoha for three days straight. It was monsoon after all. And because of all the troubles rain brought to the academy graduates, Team 7's practice was put to hold for two weeks which meant no new missions for Team 7 and the three of them had to stay indoors to recharge themselves, at least that's what Kakashi had told them to do after the draining mission from the land of the waves.

Naruto hated the rain. He didn't like staying indoors, stuck inside those 4 walls that only ever reminded him of how truly lonely he was. But he never felt lonely when he was with his team. Kakashi sensei was the best instructor that they could've gotten, except the fact that he would be so much better if he wasn't straight out a major pervert; Sakura was the prettiest person Naruto had ever laid eyes on, he was so in love with her, and as for Sasuke? Well, he was a bastard who thought he was superior to everyone else. Always calling Naruto weak, but somehow Naruto preferred a 'hateful Sasuke' than 'no Sasuke' in his team. After all, Sasuke knew the pain of being all alone, just like him.

Naruto had loved butting heads with Sasuke all the time, it was like Sasuke was paying attention to him. And that was much better when people eyed Naruto with those eyes full of hatred and ignored his existence. But Sasuke fought with him, made snarky comments and always kept him on edges and that had somehow made Naruto think that he wasn't lonely anymore. He loved having people to count on and who can in return count on him.

However, things had drastically changed after Sasuke 'nearly died' protecting him, in the land of the waves. Things had gotten a little quieter between them. Maybe they had a heart-to-heart but them being in the same room and not fighting was indeed weird. And Naruto had planned on confronting Sasuke about it, like, why was he being so quiet and not insulting Naruto like he always did. But this stupid rain, cancelled all their missions and Naruto isn't allowed to leave his apartment. Besides, it's not like anyone could go out in this weather.

"I'm so boreeeeeeeed............" Naruto yelled at the ceiling, as he was lying on the bed, staring holes into the ceiling above. "If only I could have a little spar with that bastard Sasuke, I'd definitely beat the guy's ass and impress Sakura-chan, hehehe Sakuraaa-chann"

Naruto was just talking to himself, when suddenly he had this brilliant idea. He immediately shot up from the bed and smiled proud for having an 'amazing brain'.

"I know! Sasuke lives in a huge place, right? In fact, he has the entire Uchiha complex to himself, so if I can just manage to get there, we can have a fight indoors. There's gotta be a lot of space in there, right! All right then! All I have to do is get past this rain and reach his place."

If Kakashi sensei was there, he'd have said it was a very bad idea, but hey, he wasn't. So, Naruto picked his umbrella and packed a few ramen cups that they'd need to eat once they stop sparring and Naruto had finally defeated Sasuke and opened the door, only to be greeted by a ballistic storm that was raging like a dragon.

"Okay, it'll be a little hard, just a little though, but I, Naruto Uzumaki, the future hokage of Konoha, can make it!"

And yelling that part out loud, he stepped out.


"So, why are you here again?" asked a pretty annoyed Sasuke, eying Naruto's figure from top to bottom.

He was completely drenched, his hair was dripping, his jumpsuit fully soaked and his umbrella, well, it was turned upside down, probably because of the howling storm outside. This wasn't good, Naruto would definitely catch a cold if he were to stay like that.

Naruto was trying to catch his breath as he quickly decided to explain, "I was getting very bored, so you know, I thought we would fight it out, and finally Sakura would see how great I am, so I came to spar." He was mixing everything he was saying, only confusing Sasuke further.

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