The Drug (Part 2)

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With one hand on his chest, he restrained Sasuke in his position andwith the other be started unbuckling Sasuke's trousers. 

"N-No...wait...Naruto....t-that......ahh ~" Sasuke couldn't help but moan when he felt Naruto's hand take hold of his hard-on.

Sasuke's moans only increased when Naruto started giving him a hand-job, a little rough and yet so gently. He moved his hand up and down in a faster pace while his own erection leaked loads of pre-cum.

'Oh...n-no...wait...d-don't do that... I think I'm...I'm c-cumming...' Sasuke thought, as he immediately covered his mouth to stop letting out his own embarrassing voice. "N-Naruto stop... I'm gonna cum like that..." he spoke in quivers, but it didn't even reach Naruto. He bent down, still continuing to rub his member roughly, and licked the tip of Sasuke's dick, as if to deal the final blow, and finally, taking the entire thing in his mouth.

And that was it. The feeling of Naruto's hot and wet tongue playing with his dick was more overwhelming than anything Sasuke had ever experienced. Unable to hold it any longer, he came full on inside Naruto's mouth.

"S-Spit it out!" Sasuke was beyond embarrassed. In fact, it wasn't embarrassment he was feeling. He had definitely loved the feeling of Naruto giving him a blow job and he was so desperately craving for more. But there was bound to be some awkwardness after all. "That's dirty... Spit it out...Naruto."

But instead of doing what Sasuke asked, Naruto swallowed it instead, even going as far as to licking his lips afterwards. "It's yours, and I'm not wasting anything that's a part of you."

Sasuke heart was aching now, his cheeks were flushed completely, his breath uneven to the point he couldn't take it any more. And Naruto was saying stuff like that.

Looking at Sasuke's flushed expression, Naruto gulped, and moved in for a kiss. He kissed Sasuke slowly, which was very eagerly returned. After a few moments of what felt like the most romantic kiss ever, Naruto separated and smiled, "I want to eat you up, Sasuke. I can't help it..."


It was in a fraction of second that Sasuke had flipped Naruto over and switched their positions. He gulped hard as he took in Naruto whose eyes were engulfed with lust and longing. "Just this time... Just once... I too..." Sasuke mumbled to himself before pulling down the trousers Naruto was wearing and taking his full erection in his mouth.

Shutting his eyes close, he sucked on his dick quite forcibly, as he fingered his ass simultaneously.

It was Naruto's turn to moan in pleasure, "S-Sasuke... m-more...ah...ahh"

Naruto's voice had to be the most alluting thing Sasuke had heard, that he only went harder and faster. Slowly, he slipped a finger inside himself while giving Naruto the blow-job, then added two more.

"S-Sasuke... I'm g-gonna..."

"N-Not yet..." Sasuke immediately stopped sucking on Naruto's dick and pulled back.

"W-What are y-you doing...? I need you Sasuke... don't stop..."

'Saying stuff like that so casually...' Sasuke positioned himself carefully over Naruto, as he pressed his butt hole over Naruto's dick, for it to slip in, '... do you even know the consequences...'

And he pressed further till Naruto finally went inside him. "Ahhh...!!"

"" Naruto couldn't believe Sasuke would actually take the initiative in this. But when Sasuke made that kind of noises and that type of a face, Naruto couldn't stop anymore.

He, once again, flipped Sasuke over, switching their positions once again, with Naruto now being on top of Sasuke. "S-Sorry S-Sauke but... I can't let you do it yourself like that..."

And saying that he thrust himself further inside Sasuke.

Sasuke let out a lot moan. It hurt but it also felt so damn good.

"I'm gonna start moving now" Naruto said before slowly pushing his dick in and out of Sasuke. With each thrust, Sasuke felt like he was becoming one with Naruto; the deeper he went, the deeper the connection. He didn't want Naruto to stop.

"S-Sasuke... I'm about to cum... I should..."

"Don't you dare pull out now!!!" Sasuke yelled before Naruto could even finish his sentence.

"But then..."

"Inside. Cum inside me, usuratonkachi... Please..." Sasuke pleaded. "I too, am on my limit...."

And how could Naruto have resisted. With one final thrust, he came inside Sasuke as he jolted his head backwards, feeling the pleasure run through his entire body, as Sasuke also reached his climax.

When finally, the round was over, they both half-laid the couch, breathing heavily. The drug inside Naruto's system has seemed to have lost its effects, as the both of them started at the ceiling.

"That felt..." Sasuke started, only to be finished be Naruto, "... Good. It felt damn good Sasuke."

But neither of them dared to look at the other. They had just experienced the best sex they ever had but just not with their wives. It was beyond awkward.

"So maybe we can..."

"Once more." Naruto unconsciously started.

Sasuke widened his eyes and looked at Naruto, who wasn't even looking at Sasuke, but his cheeks were tinted beet red.

"Let's do it once more, Sasuke" he said. "That way, tomorrow we can all blame it on the drug. So, let's do it once more..."

Sasuke only closed his eyes and let out a small smile, his cheeks reddening, "Yeah, let's do it. It's only because of the drug anyway."


But it wasn't just 'once more'. They definitely went a lot many rounds after that. And both of them were perfectly aware that it wasn't the drug talking anymore.

They wanted to have sex with each other. Nobody knew how long the feeling of the tension had remained between them but that fateful night when the both of them explored the deepest parts of one another, all the hidden feelings overflowed and the silenced words became heard.

They just wanted the other, desperately.


"Don't you think the number of mission Sasuke undertakes has increased a lot!?" an angry Sakura yelled, sipping on her pineapple juice.

"Well, they're both important ninjas, so it's justified I guess, that they're are busy doing missions..." reasoned a tired Hinata, just staring at her Coffee.

Saskura turned to look at Hinata, raising an eyebrow, "What do you mean 'they? Is Naruto also stuck on week-long missions?"

"Yeah, you could say that." Hinata smiled, a little bittersweet, "Boruto and Himawari rarely see him nowadays, he must be very busy..."

"I hope that's the case, you know..." Saskura suggested, doubtfully, hinting at something. She probably hoped Hinata won't catch on.

"No way! Naruto and Sasuke!? No, he won't do that! I trust him and besides, Sasuke is one of the most reasonable guy I've known, there's just know way..." by the end of the sentence, Hinata's voice lowered, as the slightest possibility of them actually having an affair crossed her mind.

And then, silence.

But soon enough, Sakura spoke in her high-pitched voice, "Yeah, you're right! They aren't stupid enough to actually have an affair!"

'But the feeling still lingers...'



"S-Sasuke... I don't think this is the best place to do such a thing..." Naruto's voice quivered as he looked at the back of Sasuke's head, who was quite busy giving all of his attention to the 'little guy' between Naruto's leg.

In between sucks andkisses, Sasuke moaned, "Does it matter? As long as it's you, I don't reallycare ~" 

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